path: root/build_tools/larch8/larch0/cli/
diff options
authorJames Meyer <>2010-12-02 22:37:23 (GMT)
committerJames Meyer <>2010-12-02 22:37:34 (GMT)
commit8b94d7f39c71234712bead363526a0283efeb9fa (patch)
tree23f1dbd6458dc39a2c1b08bcdd4cbf768a60d84d /build_tools/larch8/larch0/cli/
parent338af567e74d08cbd357079941208e494463d61e (diff)
larch8: first checkin, still needs some work
Diffstat (limited to 'build_tools/larch8/larch0/cli/')
1 files changed, 432 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build_tools/larch8/larch0/cli/ b/build_tools/larch8/larch0/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a7fd6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build_tools/larch8/larch0/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# - support functions for medium creation
+# (c) Copyright 2009 - 2010 Michael Towers (larch42 at googlemail dot com)
+# This file is part of the larch project.
+# larch is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# larch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with larch; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# 2010.11.28
+import os, re
+from config import *
+from backend import *
+class Medium:
+ """This class represents a boot medium image.
+ It converts a larchified system to a boot medium image, by preparing
+ the bootloader directories and adding customisation stuff
+ from the profile, but it does not write to any medium.
+ Alternatively it can mount and prepare an existing larch medium for
+ copying.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ self.options = options
+ if options.source:
+ # Mount the device or file
+ runcmd('mkdir -p %s' % MPS)
+ ok = False
+ if options.source.endswith('.iso'):
+ if mount(options.source, MPS, '-o loop'):
+ ok = True
+ elif options.source.startswith('/dev/'):
+ if mount(options.source, MPS):
+ ok = True
+ elif options.source.startswith('/'):
+ if mount(options.source, MPS, '--bind'):
+ ok = True
+ elif mount(options.source, MPS, '-L'):
+ ok = True
+ if not ok:
+ errout(_("Invalid source medium: '%s'") % options.source)
+ # Paths needed for the further processing
+ # - Assume no Arch installation available
+ self.chrootpath = ''
+ # - Temporary work area, mainly for building the boot directory
+ = BUILD0
+ runcmd('rm -rf %s' %
+ runcmd('mkdir -p %s' %
+ # - The source medium
+ self.medium_dir = MPS
+ check_larchimage(self.medium_dir)
+ if options.testmedium:
+ unmount()
+ comment('-- larch medium: ok')
+ return
+ # Fetch the existing boot directory
+ runcmd('cp -r %s/boot %s' % (self.medium_dir,
+ runcmd('rm -f %s/boot/isolinux/isolinux.boot' %
+ runcmd('rm -f %s/boot/isolinux/ldlinux.sys' %
+ else:
+ # Paths needed for the further processing
+ # - Using the Arch installation for chrooting
+ installation_dir = get_installation_dir()
+ self.chrootpath = (installation_dir
+ if installation_dir != '/' else '')
+ # - Temporary work area, mainly for building the boot directory
+ = self.chrootpath + BUILD0
+ runcmd('rm -rf %s' %
+ runcmd('mkdir -p %s' %
+ # - The source medium (as produced by larchify)
+ self.medium_dir = self.chrootpath + CHROOT_DIR_MEDIUM
+ if options.testmedium:
+ return
+ # Further initialisation for initial builds.
+ check_larchimage(self.medium_dir)
+ self.profile_dir = get_profile()
+ self._bootdir()
+ self._customizelarchdir()
+ def _bootdir(self):
+ """Prepare the boot directory for the bootloader. The
+ bootloader configuration files are not generated yet, as these
+ depend on the medium.
+ """
+ comment("Fetch kernel and initramfs")
+ if not runcmd('cp -r %s/boot %s' % (self.medium_dir,[0]:
+ errout(_("No kernel and/or initramfs"))
+ comment("Preparing bootloader directory")
+ # A basic /boot directory is provided in larch at cd-root/boot0.
+ # The contents of this directory are placed in the medium's 'boot' directory.
+ # Individual files can be added or substituted by
+ # supplying them in the profile at cd-root/boot.
+ # It is also possible to completely replace the basic boot directory
+ # by having cd-root/boot0 in the profile - then the default
+ # larch version will not be used.
+ source0 = '%s/cd-root/boot0' % self.profile_dir
+ if not os.path.isdir(source0):
+ source0 = '%s/cd-root/boot0' % base_dir
+ runcmd('bash -c "cp -r %s/* %s/boot"' % (source0,
+ # Copy any additional profile stuff
+ psource = '%s/cd-root/boot' % self.profile_dir
+ if os.path.isdir(psource):
+ runcmd('bash -c "cp -rf %s/* %s/boot"' % (psource,
+ # Copy vesamenu.c32, chain.c32 to the boot directory
+ for slfile in ('vesamenu.c32', 'chain.c32'):
+ runcmd('cp %s/%s %s/boot/isolinux' %
+ (self.chrootpath + SYSLINUXDIR, slfile,
+ # and rename base config file
+ runcmd(('mv %s/boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg'
+ ' %s/boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg_0')
+ % (,
+ # Prepare utilities for copying media
+ supportlibdir = BUILD0 + '/boot/support/lib'
+ chroot(self.chrootpath, 'mkdir -p %s' % supportlibdir)
+ for application in ('extlinux', 'syslinux',
+ 'mksquashfs', 'unsquashfs'):
+ runnable = chroot(self.chrootpath, 'which %s' % application)
+ if runnable:
+ runnable = runnable[0]
+ else:
+# Should I output something?
+ continue
+ for line in chroot(self.chrootpath, 'ldd %s' % runnable):
+ m ='=> (/[^ ]+) ', line)
+ if m:
+ chroot(self.chrootpath, 'cp -n %s %s' %
+ (, supportlibdir))
+ chroot(self.chrootpath, 'cp %s %s' % (runnable, supportlibdir))
+ chroot(self.chrootpath, 'bash -c "cp /lib/ld-linux*.so.2 %s/loader"'
+ % supportlibdir)
+ runcmd('cp %s/mbr.bin %s/boot/support' %
+ (self.chrootpath + SYSLINUXDIR,
+ runcmd('cp %s/isolinux.bin %s/boot/support' %
+ (self.chrootpath + SYSLINUXDIR,
+ def _customizelarchdir(self):
+ """The medium's larch directory will be (re)built.
+ First delete anything apart from system.sqf and mods.sqf, then
+ add anything relevant from the profile.
+ """
+ for fd in os.listdir(self.medium_dir + '/larch'):
+ if fd not in ('system.sqf', 'mods.sqf'):
+ runcmd('rm -rf %s/larch/%s' % (self.medium_dir, fd))
+ plarch = self.profile_dir + '/cd-root/larch'
+ if os.path.isdir(plarch):
+ runcmd('bash -c "cp -r %s/* %s/larch"' % (plarch, self.medium_dir))
+ def setup_destination(self, device):
+ """The basic preparation of a destination partition.
+ """
+ drive = device[:8]
+ partno = device[8:]
+ if not os.path.exists(device):
+ errout(_("Invalid output device: %s") % device)
+ def parted(cmd, optm=''):
+ s = runcmd('parted -s %s %s %s' % (optm, drive, cmd))
+ if s[0]:
+ if s[1]:
+ return s[1]
+ else:
+ return True
+ return False
+ # Prepare for formatting
+ if self.options.format:
+ fmtcmd = 'mkfs.ext4'
+ self.fstype = 'ext4'
+ if self.options.nojournal:
+ fmtcmd += ' -O ^has_journal'
+ labellength = 16
+ opt = 'L'
+ else:
+ fmtcmd = None
+ # Check device format
+ ok, lines = runcmd('blkid -c /dev/null -o value -s TYPE %s' % device)
+ if not ok:
+ errout(_("Couldn't get format information for %s") % device)
+ self.fstype = lines[0]
+ fsflag = '#'
+ if self.fstype in OKFS:
+ fsflag = '+'
+ elif self.fstype == 'vfat':
+ fsflag = '-'
+ if fsflag == '#':
+ errout(_("Unsupported file-system: %s") % self.fstype)
+ if self.options.testmedium:
+ return
+ # List drive content: 'parted -m <drive> print'
+ # - don't use 'free' because then you may get multiple lines starting '1:'.
+ driveinfo = parted('print', '-m')
+ if fmtcmd:
+ lopt = ('-%s "%s"' % (opt, check_label(self.options.label, labellength))
+ if self.options.label else '')
+ # Get partition table type from line with drive at beginning:
+ # > /dev/sdc:3898MB:scsi:512:512:msdos:Intenso Rainbow;
+ # - filter out partition table type (field 6)
+ ptable = driveinfo[1].split(':')[5]
+ # Filter out line for chosen partition (1):
+ # 2:2000MB:3898MB:1898MB:::;
+ # - remember field 2 and 3
+ pstart, pend = None, None
+ for p in driveinfo[2:]:
+ pinfo = p.split(':')
+ if pinfo[0] == partno:
+ pstart, pend = pinfo[1:3]
+ fail = True
+ # Delete partition: 'parted <drive> rm <partno>'
+ if parted('rm %s' % partno):
+ # Recreate partition:
+ # - if partition number > 4 AND it is an msdos partition table use
+ # 'logical' instead of 'primary'
+ # 'parted <drive> mkpart primary <ext2|fat32> <pstart> <pend>'
+ ptype = 'logical' if (ptable == 'msdos') and (int(partno) > 4) else 'primary'
+ if parted('mkpart %s %s %s %s' % (ptype, 'ext2', pstart, pend)):
+ # Format file system
+ if chroot(self.chrootpath, '%s %s %s' % (fmtcmd, lopt, device), ['dev']):
+ fail = False
+ if fail:
+ errout(_("Couldn't format %s") % device)
+ # Set boot flag: 'parted <drive> set <partno> boot on'
+ # and make drive bootable.
+ # Only do this if installing mbr.
+ if self.options.mbr:
+ # First remove boot flag from any partition which might have it ('boot'):
+ # 'parted <drive> set <partno> boot off'
+ for l in driveinfo[2:]:
+ if 'boot' in l:
+ parted('set %s boot off' % l.split(':', 1)[0])
+ parted('set %s boot on' % partno)
+ runcmd('dd if=%s/boot/support/mbr.bin of=%s' % (, drive))
+ # Need to get the label - if not formatting (an option for experts)
+ # it is probably not a good idea to change the volume label, so
+ # use the old one.
+ label = get_device_label(device)
+ # Write bootloader configuration file
+ bootconfig(, label, device, self.options.detection)
+ # Mount partition and remove larch and boot dirs
+ runcmd('rm -rf %s' % MPD)
+ runcmd('mkdir -p %s' % MPD)
+ if not mount(device, MPD):
+ errout(_("Couldn't mount larch partition, %s") % device)
+ runcmd('rm -rf %s/larch' % MPD)
+ runcmd('rm -rf %s/boot' % MPD)
+ # Copy files to device
+ runcmd('cp -r %s/larch %s' % (self.medium_dir, MPD))
+ runcmd('cp -r %s/boot %s' % (, MPD))
+ def mkiso(self, xopts=''):
+ """Build an iso containing the stuff in, and optionally
+ more - passed in xopts.
+ """
+ # Actually the volume label can be 32 bytes, but 16 is compatible
+ # with ext2 (etc.) (though a little longer than vfat)
+ label = check_label(self.options.label, 16)
+ # Get fresh isolinux.bin
+ runcmd('cp %s/boot/support/isolinux.bin %s/boot/isolinux'
+ % (,
+ # Build iso
+ ok, res = runcmd('mkisofs -R -l -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4'
+ ' -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/isolinux.boot'
+ ' -boot-info-table -input-charset=UTF-8'
+ ' -V "%s"'
+ ' -o "%s"'
+ ' %s %s' % (label, self.options.isofile, xopts,,
+ filter=mkisofs_filter_gen())
+ if not ok:
+ errout(_("iso build failed"))
+ comment(" *** %s ***" % (_("%s was successfully created")
+ % (self.options.isofile)))
+def check_larchimage(mediumdir):
+ """A very simple check that the given path is that of a larch medium (image).
+ """
+ testfile = mediumdir + '/larch/system.sqf'
+ if not os.path.isfile(testfile):
+ errout(_("File '%s' doesn't exist, '%s' is not a larch medium")
+ % (testfile, mediumdir))
+def get_device_label(device):
+ """Return the volume label of the given device.
+ """
+ return runcmd('blkid -c /dev/null -o value -s LABEL %s'
+ % device)[1][0]
+def check_label(l, n):
+ if isinstance(l, unicode):
+ l = l.encode('utf8')
+ if len(l) > n:
+ if query_yn(_("The volume label is too long. Use the default (%s)?")
+ % LABEL):
+ return LABEL
+ else:
+ errout(_("Cancelled"))
+ return l
+def add_larchboot(idir):
+ writefile("The presence of the file 'larch/larchboot' enables\n"
+ "booting the device in 'search' mode.\n", idir + '/larch/larchboot')
+def bootconfig(medium, label='', device='', detection=''):
+ """Convert and complete the bootlines file.
+ """
+ kernel = readfile(medium + '/boot/kernelname').strip()
+ # - add boot partition to options
+ if detection == 'uuid':
+ bootp = ('uuid=' +
+ runcmd('blkid -c /dev/null -o value -s UUID %s'
+ % device)[1][0].strip())
+ elif detection == 'label':
+ if not label:
+ errout(_("Can't boot to label - device has no label"))
+ bootp = 'label=' + label
+ elif detection == 'partition':
+ bootp = 'root=' + device
+ else:
+ bootp = ''
+ # - convert bootfiles to the correct format,
+ # inserting necessary info
+ bootconf = medium + '/boot/bootlines'
+ if not os.path.isfile(bootconf):
+ errout(_("Boot configuration file '%s' not found") % bootconf)
+ fhi = open(bootconf)
+ insert = ''
+ i = 0
+ block = ''
+ title = ''
+ opts = ''
+ for line in fhi:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line:
+ if title:
+ i += 1
+ # A block is ready
+ block += 'label %02d\n' % i
+ block += 'MENU LABEL %s\n' % title
+ block += 'kernel /boot/%s\n' % kernel
+ block += 'append initrd=/boot/larch.img %s %s\n' % (bootp, opts)
+ if i > 1:
+ insert += '\n'
+ insert += block
+ block = ''
+ title = ''
+ opts = ''
+ elif line.startswith('comment:'):
+ block += '#%s\n' % (line.split(':', 1)[1])
+ elif line.startswith('title:'):
+ title = line.split(':', 1)[1].lstrip()
+ elif line.startswith('options:'):
+ opts = line.split(':', 1)[1].lstrip()
+ fhi.close()
+ # - insert the resulting string into the bootloader config file
+ configfile = 'isolinux/isolinux.cfg'
+ configfile0 = configfile + '_0'
+ configpath = '%s/boot/%s' % (medium, configfile0)
+ if not os.path.isfile(configpath):
+ errout(_("Base configuration file (%s) not found") % configpath)
+ fhi = open(configpath)
+ fho = open('%s/boot/%s' % (medium, configfile), 'w')
+ for line in fhi:
+ if line.startswith("###LARCH"):
+ fho.write(insert)
+ else:
+ fho.write(line)
+ fhi.close()
+ fho.close()