path: root/build_tools/archiso-19/docs/README.transfer
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diff --git a/build_tools/archiso-19/docs/README.transfer b/build_tools/archiso-19/docs/README.transfer
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ade083a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build_tools/archiso-19/docs/README.transfer
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+* Transfer ISO file to target medium (configs/releng)
+ * To -> CD / DVD / BD
+ * To -> USB-key / SD / HDD / SSD
+ * PC-EFI (GPT) [x86_64 only]
+ * PC-EFI (ISOHYBRID-GPT) [x86_64 only]
+*** Transfer ISO image to target medium (configs/releng)
+ISO images names consist of: archlinux-<YYYY>.<MM>.<DD>-dual.iso
+ <YYYY> Year
+ <MM> Month
+ <DD> Day
+** To -> CD / DVD / BD
+Note: All ISO images are booteable on a PC-BIOS via "El Torito" in no-emulation mode,
+ All x86_64 ISO images are booteable on a PC-EFI via "El Torito" in no-emulation mode.
+ <B> scsibus number
+ <T> target number
+ <L> lun number
+ (Note: see cdrecord -scanbus, for these numbers)
+1) Write it directly using your favorite recording program.
+# cdrecord dev=<B>,<T>,<L> -dao archlinux-<YYYY>.<MM>.<DD>-dual.iso
+** To -> USB Flash Drive (USB-key) / Memory card (SD) /
+ Hard-Disk Drive (HDD) / Solid-State Drive (SSD)
+Note: These steps are the general workflow, you can skip some of them,
+ using another filesystem if your bootloader supports it,
+ installing to another directory than "arch/" or using more than
+ one partition. Just ensure that main boot params options
+ (archisolabel= and archisobasedir=) are set correctly according to your setup.
+<DEV-TARGET>: Device node of the drive where ISO contents should be copied
+ (example: /dev/sdx)
+<DEV-TARGET-N>: Device node of the partition on <DEV-TARGET>
+ (example: /dev/sdx1)
+<MNT-TARGET-N>: Mount point path where <DEV-TARGET-N> is mounted
+ (example: /mnt/sdx/1)
+<ISO-SOURCE>: Path to the ISO file archlinux-<YYYY>.<MM>.<DD>-dual.iso
+ (example: ~/archlinux-2012.07.22-dual.iso)
+<FS-LABEL>: Represents the filesystem label of the <ISO-SOURCE>
+ (example: ARCH_201302)
+Note: Using here a MBR partition mode as example, but GPT should also works
+ if machine firmware is not broken.
+ Just ensure that partition is set with attribute "2: legacy BIOS bootable"
+ and use gptmbr.bin instead of mbr.bin for syslinux.
+1) Create one partition entry in MBR and mark it as "active" (booteable).
+Note: Type "b" for FAT32, "83" for EXTFS or "7" for NTFS.
+# fdisk <DEV-TARGET>
+2) Create a FAT32, EXTFS or NTFS filesystem on such partition and setup a label.
+Note: COW is not supported on NTFS.
+# mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n <FS-LABEL> <DEV-TARGET-N>
+# mkfs.ext4 -L <FS-LABEL> <DEV-TARGET-N>
+# mkfs.ntfs -L <FS-LABEL> <DEV-TARGET-N>
+3) Mount target filesystem.
+4) Extract ISO image on target filesystem.
+# bsdtar -x --exclude=isolinux/ --exclude=EFI/ --exclude=loader/ -f <ISO-SOURCE> -C <MNT-TARGET-N>
+5) Install syslinux bootloader on target filesystem.
+# extlinux -i <MNT-TARGET-N>/arch/boot/syslinux
+6) Unmount target filesystem.
+# umount <MNT-TARGET-N>
+7) Install syslinux MBR boot code on target drive.
+# dd bs=440 count=1 conv=notrunc if=/usr/lib/syslinux/bios/mbr.bin of=<DEV-TARGET>
+Note: This method is the most easily, quick and dirty, but is the most limited
+ if you want to use your target medium for other purposes.
+ If using this does not work, use PC-BIOS (MBR) method instead.
+1) Dump ISO file to target medium.
+# dd if=<ISO-SOURCE> of=<DEV-TARGET>
+* PC-EFI (GPT) [x86_64 only]
+Note: Using here a GPT partition mode as example, but MBR should also works
+ if machine firmware is not broken.
+1) Create one partition entry in GPT (of type "ef00")
+# gdisk <DEV-TARGET>
+2) Create a FAT32 filesystem on such partition and setup a label.
+# mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n <FS-LABEL> <DEV-TARGET-N>
+3) Mount target filesystem.
+4) Extract ISO image on target filesystem.
+# bsdtar -x --exclude=isolinux/ --exclude=EFI/archiso/ --exclude=arch/boot/syslinux/ -f <ISO-SOURCE> -C <MNT-TARGET-N>
+5) Unmount target filesystem.
+# umount <MNT-TARGET-N>
+* PC-EFI (ISOHYBRID-GPT) [x86_64 only]
+Note: This method is the most easily, quick and dirty, but is the most limited
+ if you want to use your target medium for other purposes.
+ If using this does not work, use PC-EFI (GPT) method instead.
+1) Dump ISO file to target medium.
+# dd if=<ISO-SOURCE> of=<DEV-TARGET>