path: root/abs/core-testing/LinHES-timezone/linhes_timezone.c
diff options
authorGreg Frost <>2009-06-30 05:27:53 (GMT)
committerGreg Frost <>2009-06-30 05:27:53 (GMT)
commit3ea388eb421881811585997ae691083dd996733e (patch)
tree42c611e4ccda468096b2ddce331c3118a77b1cf0 /abs/core-testing/LinHES-timezone/linhes_timezone.c
parenta29645d170a3e116cfeaa959176494333f356d3c (diff)
linhes-config: remove timezone.bin linhes-timezone: add pkgbuild for timezone.bin. mdbtools: needed to build linhes-timezone added to base-devel
Diffstat (limited to 'abs/core-testing/LinHES-timezone/linhes_timezone.c')
1 files changed, 779 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-timezone/linhes_timezone.c b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-timezone/linhes_timezone.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..024560f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-timezone/linhes_timezone.c
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
+#include <X11/IntrinsicI.h>
+#include <lirc/lirc_client.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include "timezone_map.h"
+Display *display;
+Window window;
+GC gc;
+int screen;
+int selected_zone;
+int selected_place;
+Pixmap pixmap;
+XColor ocean;
+XColor land[8];
+XColor border;
+XColor selected_border;
+XColor selected_land;
+XColor name_colour;
+XColor location_dot;
+XColor lat_lon;
+XColor tux_yellow;
+Dimension screen_width = 1920;
+Dimension screen_height = 1080;
+Dimension width = 1920;
+Dimension height = 1080;
+Position x = 0;
+Position y = 0;
+XFontStruct *font;
+XPoint xpoints[1000];
+int radius;
+double target_lat;
+double target_lon;
+double displayed_lat;
+double displayed_lon;
+double lon_rotate[2] = {1, 0};
+double lat_rotate[2] = {1, 0};
+double acceleration = 0.01;
+char input_keys[200];
+int translate_point (vect_type *v, XPoint *p)
+ vect_type v2;
+ vect_type v3;
+ v2.x = v->x * lon_rotate[0] + v->y * lon_rotate[1];
+ v2.y = v->x * -1.0 * lon_rotate[1] + v->y * lon_rotate[0];
+ v2.z = v->z;
+ v3.x = v2.x * lat_rotate[0] + v2.z * lat_rotate[1];
+ v3.y = v2.y * radius;
+ v3.z = v2.x * -1.0 * lat_rotate[1] + v2.z * lat_rotate[0];
+ // If the point is behind the face of the globe, project it to the edge.
+ if (v3.x < 0)
+ {
+ p->x = width /2 + radius * sin (atan2 (v3.y,v3.z));
+ p->y = height/2 - radius * cos (atan2 (v3.y,v3.z));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p->x = width /2 + lrint (v3.y);
+ p->y = height/2 - lrint (v3.z);
+ }
+ // Return a value indicating if it is on the front of the world.
+ return (v3.x >= 0);
+void draw_zone (
+ Drawable d,
+ int zone,
+ int fill,
+ int selected)
+ int boundary = 0;
+ int num_points = 0;
+ int all_on_back = 1;
+ if (selected && fill)
+ XSetForeground (display, gc, selected_land.pixel);
+ while (boundary < zone_data[zone].num_boundary_points)
+ {
+ if (zone_data[zone].boundary_points[boundary].x < -9)
+ {
+ if ((num_points > 1) && !all_on_back)
+ {
+ if (fill)
+ {
+ if (!selected)
+ {
+ if (zone == NUM_ZONES - 1)
+ {
+ if (boundary < 380)
+ XSetForeground (display, gc, WhitePixel (display, screen));
+ else if (boundary < 470)
+ XSetForeground (display, gc, tux_yellow.pixel);
+ else if (boundary < 1120)
+ XSetForeground (display, gc, BlackPixel (display, screen));
+ else
+ XSetForeground (display, gc, WhitePixel (display, screen));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ XSetForeground (display, gc,
+ land[boundary % XtNumber (land)].pixel);
+ }
+ }
+ XFillPolygon (
+ display, d, gc,
+ xpoints,
+ num_points, Complex, CoordModeOrigin);
+ }
+ else
+ XDrawLines (
+ display, d, gc,
+ xpoints,
+ num_points, CoordModeOrigin);
+ }
+ boundary++;
+ num_points = 0;
+ all_on_back = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (translate_point (&zone_data[zone].boundary_points[boundary],
+ &xpoints[num_points]))
+ all_on_back = 0;
+ num_points++;
+ boundary++;
+ }
+ }
+void draw_string (int x, int y, char*s, unsigned long colour)
+ XSetForeground (display, gc, BlackPixel (display, screen));
+ for (int x_pos = x - 3; x_pos <= x + 3; x_pos++)
+ for (int y_pos = y - 3; y_pos <= y + 3; y_pos++)
+ XDrawString (display, pixmap, gc, x_pos, y_pos, s, strlen (s));
+ XSetForeground (display, gc, colour);
+ XDrawString (display, pixmap, gc, x, y, s, strlen (s));
+void draw_point (XPoint p, char *s)
+ int text_width;
+ int dot_size = ceil (sqrt (height) / 6.0);
+ if (s)
+ dot_size += 2;
+ XSetForeground (display, gc,
+ s ? WhitePixel (display, screen) : location_dot.pixel);
+ XFillRectangle (display, pixmap, gc,
+ p.x - dot_size / 2, p.y - dot_size / 2, dot_size, dot_size);
+ XSetForeground (display, gc, BlackPixel (display, screen));
+ XSetLineAttributes (display, gc, 2, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound);
+ XDrawRectangle (display, pixmap, gc,
+ p.x - dot_size / 2, p.y - dot_size / 2, dot_size, dot_size);
+ if (s)
+ {
+ int text_x;
+ int text_y;
+ text_width = XTextWidth (font, s, strlen (s));
+ if (p.x + text_width + 30 > width)
+ {
+ text_x = p.x - text_width - 6;
+ text_y = p.y + 10;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ text_x = p.x + 6;
+ text_y = p.y + 10;
+ }
+ draw_string (text_x, text_y, s, name_colour.pixel);
+ }
+void redraw_map ()
+ XPoint selected_point;
+ char selected_name[100];
+ lon_rotate[0] = cos (displayed_lon);
+ lon_rotate[1] = sin (displayed_lon);
+ lat_rotate[1] = cos (displayed_lat) * radius;
+ lat_rotate[0] = sin (displayed_lat) * radius;
+ /* Draw the map into the pixmap. */
+ XSetForeground (display, gc, BlackPixel (display, screen));
+ XFillRectangle (display, pixmap, gc, 0, 0, width, height);
+ XSetForeground (display, gc, ocean.pixel);
+ XFillArc (display, pixmap, gc,
+ width / 2 - radius, height / 2 - radius,
+ radius * 2, radius * 2, 0, 360 * 64);
+ XSetForeground (display, gc, lat_lon.pixel);
+ XSetLineAttributes (display, gc, 2, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound);
+ for (int lon = 0; lon < 24; lon++)
+ for (int lat = 0; lat < 12 * 3; lat++)
+ {
+ XPoint line[2];
+ vect_type v;
+ v.x = cos (lon * 15 * M_PI / 180) * cos ((90 - lat * 5) * M_PI / 180);
+ v.y = sin (lon * 15 * M_PI / 180) * cos ((90 - lat * 5) * M_PI / 180);
+ v.z = sin ((90 - lat * 5) / 180.0 * M_PI);
+ line[0] = line[1];
+ if (translate_point (&v, &line[1]) && (lat > 0))
+ XDrawLines (display, pixmap, gc, line, 2, CoordModeOrigin);
+ }
+ for (int lat = 0; lat < 12; lat++)
+ for (int lon = 0; lon <= 24 * 3; lon++)
+ {
+ XPoint line[2];
+ vect_type v;
+ v.x = cos (lon * 5 * M_PI / 180) * cos ((90 - lat * 15) * M_PI / 180);
+ v.y = sin (lon * 5 * M_PI / 180) * cos ((90 - lat * 15) * M_PI / 180);
+ v.z = sin ((90 - lat * 15) / 180.0 * M_PI);
+ line[0] = line[1];
+ if (translate_point (&v, &line[1]) && (lon > 0))
+ XDrawLines (display, pixmap, gc, line, 2, CoordModeOrigin);
+ }
+ for (int zone = 0; zone < NUM_ZONES; zone++)
+ draw_zone (pixmap, zone, 1, 0);
+ XSetLineAttributes (display, gc, 2, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound);
+ XSetForeground (display, gc, border.pixel);
+ for (int zone = 0; zone < NUM_ZONES - 1; zone++)
+ draw_zone (pixmap, zone, 0, 0);
+ draw_zone (pixmap, selected_zone, 1, 1);
+ XSetForeground (display, gc, selected_border.pixel);
+ draw_zone (pixmap, selected_zone, 0, 1);
+ for (int place = 0; place < zone_data[selected_zone].num_places; place++)
+ {
+ XPoint point;
+ translate_point (&zone_data[selected_zone].place_info[place].v, &point);
+ draw_point (point, NULL);
+ if (place == selected_place)
+ {
+ char *underscore;
+ selected_point = point;
+ strcpy (selected_name, strchr (zone_data[selected_zone].place_info[place].zonename, '/') + 1);
+ while (underscore = strchr (selected_name, '_'))
+ underscore[0] = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ draw_point (selected_point, selected_name);
+ {
+ char zone_offset[100];
+ sprintf (zone_offset, "UTC%s", zone_data[selected_zone].offset);
+ draw_string (
+ ((width * 0.95 - XTextWidth (font, zone_offset, strlen (zone_offset))) +
+ ((width / 2) + radius / sqrt (2))) / 2,
+ ((lrint (height * 0.05) + font->ascent) +
+ (height / 2 - radius / sqrt (2))) / 2,
+ zone_offset, name_colour.pixel);
+ }
+ XCopyArea (display, pixmap, window, gc, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0);
+void select_place (int place)
+ target_lon = atan2 (zone_data[selected_zone].place_info[place].v.y,
+ zone_data[selected_zone].place_info[place].v.x);
+ target_lat = acos (zone_data[selected_zone].place_info[place].v.z /2);
+ selected_place = place;
+int nearest_z (double near_z)
+ double min_delta =
+ fabs (near_z - zone_data[selected_zone].place_info[0].v.z);
+ int min_delta_place = 0;
+ for (int place = 1; place < zone_data[selected_zone].num_places; place++)
+ {
+ double delta =
+ fabs (near_z - zone_data[selected_zone].place_info[place].v.z);
+ if (delta < min_delta)
+ {
+ min_delta_place = place;
+ min_delta = delta;
+ }
+ }
+ return min_delta_place;
+void handle_key (char key)
+ double selected_z;
+ selected_z = zone_data[selected_zone].place_info[selected_place].v.z;
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ case 'U':
+ select_place ((selected_place +
+ zone_data[selected_zone].num_places - 1) %
+ zone_data[selected_zone].num_places);
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ select_place ((selected_place + 1) %
+ zone_data[selected_zone].num_places);
+ break;
+ case 'L':
+ selected_zone = (selected_zone + NUM_ZONES - 1) % NUM_ZONES;
+ select_place (nearest_z (selected_z));
+ break;
+ case 'R':
+ selected_zone = (selected_zone + 1) % NUM_ZONES;
+ select_place (nearest_z (selected_z));
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ printf ("%s\n", zone_data[selected_zone].place_info[selected_place].zonename);
+ exit (0);
+ case 'E':
+ exit(1);
+ }
+void handle_event (XEvent *xevent)
+ switch (xevent->type)
+ {
+ case Expose:
+ redraw_map ();
+ break;
+ case KeyPress:
+ switch (XLookupKeysym (&xevent->xkey, 0))
+ {
+ case XK_Up:
+ handle_key ('U');
+ break;
+ case XK_Down:
+ handle_key ('D');
+ break;
+ case XK_Left:
+ handle_key ('L');
+ break;
+ case XK_Right:
+ handle_key ('R');
+ break;
+ case XK_Return:
+ handle_key ('X');
+ break;
+ case XK_Escape:
+ handle_key('E');
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+Bool event_predicate (Display *display, XEvent *xevent, XPointer unused)
+ return (xevent->type == KeyPress) || (xevent->type == Expose);
+void next_view ()
+ static double step_size = 0.01;
+ double error_total;
+ double lat_error = target_lat - displayed_lat;
+ double lon_error = target_lon - displayed_lon;
+ lat_error = atan2 (sin (lat_error), cos( lat_error));
+ lon_error = atan2 (sin (lon_error), cos (lon_error));
+ error_total = sqrt (lat_error * lat_error + lon_error * lon_error);
+ if (error_total < acceleration)
+ {
+ displayed_lat = target_lat;
+ displayed_lon = target_lon;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (error_total > (step_size + acceleration) *
+ (step_size + acceleration) / acceleration / 2)
+ step_size += acceleration;
+ else
+ step_size -= acceleration;
+ if (step_size < acceleration)
+ step_size = acceleration;
+ displayed_lat += step_size * (lat_error / error_total);
+ displayed_lon += step_size * (lon_error / error_total);
+ }
+void *lirc_thread (void *unused)
+ int lirc_fd;
+ struct lirc_config *lirc_config;
+ char *lirc_code;
+ if ((lirc_fd = lirc_init ("mythtv",0)) == -1)
+ fprintf (stderr,"Error initialising lirc\n");
+ else
+ {
+ int readc_status;
+ if (readc_status = lirc_readconfig (NULL, &lirc_config, NULL))
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr,"Error loading lirc config file %d %p\n", readc_status, lirc_config);
+ }
+ }
+ while ((lirc_nextcode (&lirc_code) == 0) && (lirc_code != NULL))
+ {
+ char *action;
+ while ((lirc_code2char (lirc_config, lirc_code, &action) == 0) &&
+ (action != NULL))
+ {
+ if (strcasecmp (action, "down") == 0)
+ strcat (input_keys, "D");
+ if (strcasecmp (action, "up") == 0)
+ strcat (input_keys, "U");
+ if (strcasecmp (action, "left") == 0)
+ strcat (input_keys, "L");
+ if (strcasecmp (action, "right") == 0)
+ strcat (input_keys, "R");
+ if (strcasecmp (action, "return") == 0)
+ strcat (input_keys, "X");
+ if (strcasecmp (action, "Esc") == 0)
+ strcat (input_keys, "E");
+ }
+ free (lirc_code);
+ lirc_code = NULL;
+ }
+void remove_titlebar_and_borders ()
+ XClassHint* classHint;
+ char* appname;
+ appname="look fo rme";
+ XStoreName (display, window, appname);
+ /* Set the name and class hints for the window manager to use. */
+ classHint = XAllocClassHint ();
+ if (classHint)
+ {
+ classHint->res_name = appname;
+ classHint->res_class = "MoonRoot";
+ }
+ XSetClassHint (display, window, classHint);
+ XFree (classHint);
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ CARD32 flags;
+ CARD32 functions;
+ CARD32 decorations;
+ INT32 input_mode;
+ CARD32 status;
+ } MotifWmHints, MwmHints;
+ #define MWM_HINTS_DECORATIONS (1L << 1)
+ Atom XA_MOTIF_WM_HINTS = XInternAtom (display, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", False);
+ MotifWmHints mwm_hints;
+ mwm_hints.flags = MWM_HINTS_DECORATIONS;
+ mwm_hints.decorations = 0;
+ XChangeProperty (
+ display, window,
+ 32, PropModeReplace,
+ (char *) &mwm_hints, 5);
+int main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ XEvent xevent;
+ Colormap cmap;
+ XColor color, colorrgb;
+ pthread_t tid;
+ int opt;
+ int arg_width = -1;
+ int arg_height = -1;
+ char arg_zone[100] = {0};
+ if (getenv ("ACCEL"))
+ acceleration = atof (getenv ("ACCEL"));
+ while ((opt = getopt (argc, argv, "z:w:h:a:")) != -1)
+ {
+ switch (opt)
+ {
+ case 'z':
+ strncpy (arg_zone, optarg, sizeof (arg_zone) - 1);
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ arg_width = atoi (optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ arg_height = atoi (optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ acceleration = atof (optarg);
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ printf ("usage: %s [-a accelleration] [-z timezone] "
+ "[-w width] [-h height]\n"
+ "e.g. linhes_timezone -w 1920 -h 1090 -z Australia/Adelaide\n",
+ argv[0]);
+ exit (0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ pthread_create (&tid, NULL, lirc_thread, NULL);
+ /* Connect to the X server. */
+ display = XOpenDisplay ("");
+ if (display == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "cannot connect to server\n");
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ /* Get default screen. */
+ screen = DefaultScreen (display);
+ screen_width = XWidthOfScreen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay (display));
+ screen_height = XHeightOfScreen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay (display));
+ if ((arg_width <= 0) && (arg_height > 0))
+ arg_width == arg_height;
+ if (arg_width > 0)
+ {
+ width = arg_width;
+ if (arg_height <= 0)
+ height = width;
+ else
+ height = arg_height;
+ x = (screen_width - width) / 2;
+ y = (screen_height - height) / 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ width = screen_width;
+ height = screen_height;
+ x = 0;
+ y = 0;
+ }
+ if (width < height)
+ radius = width;
+ else
+ radius = height;
+ radius = 0.96 * radius / 2;
+ window = XCreateSimpleWindow (display,
+ DefaultRootWindow(display), x, y, width, height, 0,
+ land[0].pixel, ocean.pixel);
+ remove_titlebar_and_borders ();
+ if (!window)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "cannot open window\n");
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ /* set graphics context of rectangle to red */
+ gc= XCreateGC (display, window, 0, 0);
+ cmap = DefaultColormap (display, screen);
+ // Load the font.
+ font = XLoadQueryFont (display, (width > 800) ? "-*-lucida-bold-r-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" :
+ "-*-lucida-bold-r-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-*");
+ if (!font)
+ fprintf (stderr,"error loading font\n");
+ XSetFont (display, gc, font->fid);
+ pixmap =
+ XCreatePixmap (display, window, width, height,
+ DefaultDepth (display, DefaultScreen (display)));
+ ocean.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+ = 40 * 256;
+ = 41 * 256;
+ = 72 * 256;
+ if (XAllocColor (display, cmap, &ocean) == 0)
+ printf ("Cant allocate color\n");
+ lat_lon.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+ = 0 * 256;
+ = 0 * 256;
+ = 86 * 256;
+ if (XAllocColor (display, cmap, &lat_lon) == 0)
+ printf ("Cant allocate color\n");
+ tux_yellow.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+ = 248 * 256;
+ = 191 * 256;
+ = 17 * 256;
+ if (XAllocColor (display, cmap, &tux_yellow) == 0)
+ printf ("Cant allocate color\n");
+ for (int land_col = 0; land_col < XtNumber (land); land_col++)
+ {
+ land[land_col].flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+ land[land_col].red = (120 + 9 * land_col) * 256;
+ land[land_col].green = (40 + 3 * land_col) * 256;
+ land[land_col].blue = 0 * 256;
+ if (XAllocColor (display, cmap, &land[land_col]) == 0)
+ printf ("Cant allocate color\n");
+ }
+ selected_land.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+ = 3 * 256;
+ = 40 * 256;
+ = 13 * 256;
+ if (XAllocColor (display, cmap, &selected_land) == 0)
+ printf ("Cant allocate color\n");
+ border.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+ = 0 * 256;
+ = 0 * 256;
+ = 0 * 256;
+ if (XAllocColor (display, cmap, &border) == 0)
+ printf ("Cant allocate color\n");
+ selected_border.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+ = 80 * 256;
+ = 255 * 256;
+ = 80 * 256;
+ if (XAllocColor (display, cmap, &selected_border) == 0)
+ printf ("Cant allocate color\n");
+ name_colour.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+ = 255 * 256;
+ = 255 * 256;
+ = 0 * 256;
+ if (XAllocColor (display, cmap, &name_colour) == 0)
+ printf ("Cant allocate color\n");
+ location_dot.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+ = 255 * 256;
+ = 55 * 256;
+ = 200 * 256;
+ if (XAllocColor (display, cmap, &location_dot) == 0)
+ printf ("Cant allocate color\n");
+ // Find LA and make that the selected zone and place.
+ for (int zone = 0; zone < NUM_ZONES; zone++)
+ {
+ for (int place = 0; place < zone_data[zone].num_places; place++)
+ {
+ if (strstr (zone_data[zone].place_info[place].zonename,
+ arg_zone[0] ? arg_zone : "Los_Angeles"))
+ {
+ selected_zone = zone;
+ select_place (place);
+ displayed_lat = target_lat;
+ displayed_lon = target_lon;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* ask for exposure event and keyboard events */
+ XSelectInput(display, window, KeymapNotify | ExposureMask);
+ /* pop this window up on the screen */
+ XMapRaised (display, window);
+ redraw_map ();
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if ((displayed_lat != target_lat) || (displayed_lon != target_lon))
+ {
+ next_view ();
+ redraw_map ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ usleep (1000);
+ }
+ while (strlen (input_keys))
+ {
+ handle_key (input_keys[0]);
+ memmove (&input_keys[0], &input_keys[1], strlen (input_keys));
+ }
+ // If there is an event pending, go on to process it.
+ if (XCheckIfEvent (display, &xevent, event_predicate, NULL))
+ handle_event (&xevent);
+ }
+ return 0;