path: root/abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/linhes/js/table_sort.js
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authorJames Meyer <>2010-10-23 18:17:40 (GMT)
committerJames Meyer <>2010-10-23 18:19:39 (GMT)
commitadbcf19958300e9b6598990184c8815b945ba0ee (patch)
treef4283c850ac0ac202c17e78a637ee7ca8147621b /abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/linhes/js/table_sort.js
parent61a68250df10d29b624650948484898334ff22d0 (diff)
Removed old core and extra from repo. Renamed -testing to core/extra. This will setup the base for the testing branch.
Diffstat (limited to 'abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/linhes/js/table_sort.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 569 deletions
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/linhes/js/table_sort.js b/abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/linhes/js/table_sort.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 26208b1..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/linhes/js/table_sort.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
- * Javascript Table sorting lib
- *
- * @url $URL: $
- * @date $Date: 2008-06-22 02:21:08 +0000 (Sun, 22 Jun 2008) $
- * @version $Revision: 17560 $
- * @author $Author: kormoc $
- * @license LGPL
- *
-document.observe('dom:loaded', function () {
-// Not a dom v3 supported browser?
- if (typeof document.body.textContent == 'undefined') {
- // Let's work around for IE
- if (typeof document.body.innerText != 'undefined') {
- HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__('textContent', function () {
- return this.innerText;
- });
- }
- // And now Safari
- else {
- HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__('textContent', function () {
- return this.innerHTML;
- });
- }
- }
-var SortableTables = {
- tables: [],
- callback_presort: null,
- callback_postsort: null,
- callback_preload: null,
- callback_postload: null,
- currently_sorting_table: null,
- start: function () {
- $$('table[sortable=true]').each(SortableTables.setupTable);
- },
- setupTable: function (table) {
- if (this.callback_preload)
- this.callback_preload(table);
- // We require a unique id
- if ( == '' || ( this.tables && this.tables[] ))
- return;
- SortableTables.tables[] = new SortableTable(table);
- if (this.callback_postload)
- this.callback_postload(table);
- },
- sort: function (table_id, header_index) {
- // 25% speed boost on large tables (900 rows+) by not allowing multiple sorts at the same time.
- if (this.currently_sorting_table != null)
- return;
- if (this.callback_presort)
- this.callback_presort(table_id, heder_index);
- if (this.tables[table_id].callback_presort)
- this.tables[table_id].callback_presort(table_id, header_index);
- this.tables[table_id].sort(header_index);
- if (this.tables[table_id].callback_postsort)
- this.tables[table_id].callback_postsort(table_id, header_index);
- if (this.callback_postsort)
- this.callback_postsort(table_id, header_index);
- }
-document.observe('dom:loaded', SortableTables.start);
-var SortableTable = Class.create({
- initialize: function (table) {
- // Class vars
- this.table = null;
- this.header = null;
- this.body = null;
- this.rows = null;
- this.cache_sort_functions = new Array();
- this.cache_has_attribute = new Array();
- this.cache_sorted_index = null;
- this.cache_previous_sorts = new Array();
- this.cache_sort_hash = new Array();
- this.cache_sort_direction = false;
- this.multisort = false;
- this.zebra_stripe = false;
- this.sort_cell_index = null;
- this.sort_header_index = null;
- this.callback_presort = null;
- this.callback_postsort = null;
- // Make sure the table is valid for sorting
- if (table.tBodies[0].rows.length < 2)
- return;
- this.table = $(table);
- this.header = this.table.tHead.rows[table.tHead.rows.length-1];
- this.body = this.table.tBodies[0]
- this.rows = this.body.rows;
- this.multisort = this.table.readAttribute('multisort');
- if (this.rows[0].className.match(/even/) || this.rows[0].className.match(/odd/))
- this.zebra_stripe = true;
- // Setup the header with links
- var cells = this.header.cells;
- var cells_count = cells.length;
- var cell_coloffset = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < cells_count; i++) {
- var cell = cells[i];
- var cell_colspan = 1;
- var cell_index = i + cell_coloffset;
- var header_index = i;
- this.cache_sort_hash[i] = cell_index;
- // Handle colspans...
- if (cell.hasAttribute('colspan'))
- cell_coloffset += cell.readAttribute('colspan')-1;
- if (cell.readAttribute('sortable') == 'false')
- continue;
- // This should fix a bug with safari (as of version 2.0.2 at least), which does not understand cellIndex correctly
- cell.setAttribute('onclick','SortableTables.sort("''","'+header_index+'");return false;');
- cell.addClassName('link');
- // Heat the cache...
- this.cache_has_attribute[cell_index] = false;
- // Precache the sort function...
- this.cache_sort_functions[cell_index] = this.getSortFunction(header_index, cell_index);
- }
- },
- getSortFunction: function (header_index) {
- var cell_index = this.cache_sort_hash[header_index];
- // Default sort function to use
- var sort_function = 'sortCaseInsensitive';
- // Do we have sort_values?
- this.cache_has_attribute[header_index] = this.rows[0].cells[cell_index].hasAttribute('sort_value');
- if (this.header.cells[header_index].hasAttribute('sort_hint'))
- sort_function = this.header.cells[header_index].readAttribute('sort_hint');
- else {
- if (this.cache_has_attribute[header_index])
- var value = this.rows[0].cells[cell_index].readAttribute('sort_value');
- else
- var value = this.rows[0].cells[cell_index].textContent;
- // Figure out the function to use...
- if (value.match(/^\w+ \d+[,] \d\d\d\d/))
- sort_function = 'sortEnglishDate';
- else if (value.match(/^\w+[,] \w+ \d+[,] \d+[:]\d+ \w+$/))
- sort_function = 'sortLongEnglishDate';
- else if (value.match(/^\d+ days$/) || value=='Today' || value=='Tomorrow' || value=='Yesterday')
- sort_function = 'sortExpiration';
- else if (value.match(/^\d\d[\/-]\d\d[\/-]\d\d\d\d$/))
- sort_function = 'sortDate';
- else if (value.match(/^\d\d[\/-]\d\d[\/-]\d\d$/))
- sort_function = 'sortDate';
- else if (value.match(/^\W+ \d+$/))
- sort_function = 'sortMonthDay';
- else if (value.match(/^[\d\.]+[%]*$/))
- sort_function = 'sortNumeric';
- else if (value.match(/^[£$]/))
- sort_function = 'sortCurrency';
- }
- return eval('SortableTableSorts.'+sort_function);
- },
- sort: function (header_index) {
- this.sort_header_index = header_index;
- this.sort_cell_index = this.cache_sort_hash[header_index]
- // Spawn into an array
- var row_length = this.rows.length;
- var rows = new Array();
- for (var i=0; i<row_length; i++)
- rows.push(this.rows[i]);
- // Check to see if we're already sorted, and if so, just invert it
- if (this.cache_previous_sorts.last() == this.sort_cell_index)
- rows.reverse();
- else {
- SortableTables.currently_sorting_table = this;
- var sort_function = SortableTables.tables[].doSort;
- rows.sort(sort_function);
- SortableTables.currently_sorting_table = null;
- }
- // Move back to the table...
- for (var i=0; i<row_length; i++)
- this.body.appendChild(rows[i]);
- // Setup the arrows...
- this.doHeaderArrows();
- // Fix any zebra striping
- this.fixZebraStripes();
- // Remove the current index fromt he previous sorts and make sure it's uniq
- this.cache_previous_sorts = this.cache_previous_sorts.without(this.sort_cell_index).uniq();
- // Add in the sorted col
- this.cache_previous_sorts.push(this.sort_cell_index);
- },
- doSort: function (a, b, cell_index) {
- // Are we overriding the cell index (for multisort)
- if (!cell_index)
- cell_index = SortableTables.currently_sorting_table.sort_cell_index;
- // Use the sort hint?
- if (SortableTables.currently_sorting_table.cache_has_attribute[cell_index]) {
- var value_a = a.cells[cell_index].readAttribute('sort_value');
- var value_b = b.cells[cell_index].readAttribute('sort_value');
- }
- else {
- var value_a = a.cells[cell_index].textContent;
- var value_b = b.cells[cell_index].textContent;
- }
- if ( value_a != value_b)
- var comparison = SortableTables.currently_sorting_table.cache_sort_functions[cell_index](value_a,value_b);
- else
- var comparison = 0;
- if (SortableTables.currently_sorting_table.multisort && !comparison && SortableTables.currently_sorting_table.cache_previous_sorts.length) {
- var multisort_index = SortableTables.currently_sorting_table.cache_previous_sorts.pop();
- comparison = SortableTables.currently_sorting_table.doSort(a, b, multisort_index);
- SortableTables.currently_sorting_table.cache_previous_sorts.push(multisort_index);
- }
- return comparison;
- },
- doHeaderArrows: function () {
- // Remove any current span arrows
- $$('#'' thead span.sortArrow').each(function (span) {span.update('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;');});
- var arrow_span = this.header.cells[this.sort_header_index].select('span.sortArrow').reduce();
- if (!arrow_span) {
- arrow_span = new Element('span', { 'class': 'sortArrow'});
- this.header.cells[this.sort_header_index].insert(arrow_span);
- }
- if (this.cache_previous_sorts.last() == this.sort_cell_index && this.cache_sort_direction) {
- arrow_span.update('&nbsp;&nbsp;&uarr;');
- this.cache_sort_direction = false;
- }
- else {
- arrow_span.update('&nbsp;&nbsp;&darr;');
- this.cache_sort_direction = true;
- }
- },
- fixZebraStripes: function () {
- if (!this.zebra_stripe)
- return;
- var length = this.rows.length;
- var even = false;
- for (var i=0; i<length; i++) {
- var row = this.rows[i];
- if (even)
- row.className = row.className.replace(/odd/g, 'even');
- else
- row.className = row.className.replace(/even/g, 'odd');
- even = !even;
- }
- }
-var SortableTableSorts = {
-// Sort: DD-MM-YY or DD-MM-YYYY
-// y2k notes: two digit years less than 50 are treated as 20XX, greater than 50 are treated as 19XX
- sortDate: function (a,b) {
- if (a.length == 10)
- dt1 = a.substr(6,4)+a.substr(3,2)+a.substr(0,2);
- else {
- yr = a.substr(6,2);
- if (parseInt(yr) < 50)
- yr = '20'+yr;
- else
- yr = '19'+yr;
- dt1 = yr+a.substr(3,2)+a.substr(0,2);
- }
- if (b.length == 10)
- dt2 = b.substr(6,4)+b.substr(3,2)+b.substr(0,2);
- else {
- yr = b.substr(6,2);
- if (parseInt(yr) < 50)
- yr = '20'+yr;
- else
- yr = '19'+yr;
- dt2 = yr+b.substr(3,2)+b.substr(0,2);
- }
- if (dt1==dt2)
- return 0;
- if (dt1<dt2)
- return -1;
- return 1;
- },
-// Sort MM-DD-YY or MM-DD-YYYY
-// y2k notes: two digit years less than 50 are treated as 20XX, greater than 50 are treated as 19XX
- sortDateUs: function (a,b) {
- if (a.length == 10)
- dt1 = a.substr(6,4)+a.substr(0,2)+a.substr(3,2);
- else {
- yr = a.substr(6,2);
- if (parseInt(yr) < 50)
- yr = '20'+yr;
- else
- yr = '19'+yr;
- dt1 = yr+a.substr(0,2)+a.substr(3,2);
- }
- if (b.length == 10)
- dt2 = b.substr(6,4)+b.substr(0,2)+b.substr(3,2);
- else {
- yr = b.substr(6,2);
- if (parseInt(yr) < 50)
- yr = '20'+yr;
- else
- yr = '19'+yr;
- dt2 = yr+b.substr(0,2)+b.substr(3,2);
- }
- if (dt1 == dt2)
- return 0;
- if (dt1 < dt2)
- return -1;
- return 1;
- },
-// This function handles Mon day, year sorting
-// Falls back to alpha-comparison, if date-comparison can't make a decision.
- sortEnglishDate: function (a,b) {
- if (a == 'none' || a.length == 0)
- return -1;
- if (b == 'none' || b.length == 0)
- return 1;
- var aa_mon = SortableTableSorts.englishMonthToNumber (a.substr(0,3));
- aa = a.substr(4);
- var aa_year = parseFloat(aa.substr(aa.length-4));
- var aa_day = parseFloat(aa.substr(0, aa.length-6));
- var bb_mon = SortableTableSorts.englishMonthToNumber (b.substr(0,3));
- bb = b.substr(4);
- var bb_year = parseFloat(bb.substr(bb.length-4));
- var bb_day = parseFloat(bb.substr(0, bb.length-6));
- if (!aa_year || !aa_mon || !aa_day || !bb_year || !bb_mon || !bb_day)
- return SortableTableSorts.sortCaseSensitive(a,b);
- if (aa_year < bb_year)
- return -1;
- if (aa_year > bb_year)
- return 1;
- if (aa_mon < bb_mon)
- return -1;
- if (aa_mon > bb_mon)
- return 1;
- if (aa_day < bb_day)
- return -1;
- return 1;
- },
-// This function handles Mon day, year sorting
-// Jan 21, 2006
- sortEnglishDateInvert: function (a,b) {
- return SortableTableSorts.sortEnglishDate(b,a);
- },
-// This function sorts based on month day format
-// Jan 21
- sortMonthDay: function (a, b) {
- if (a.length == 0)
- return -1;
- if (b.length == 0)
- return 1;
- var a_mon = SortableTableSorts.englishMonthToNumber (a.substr(0,3));
- a = parseFloat(a.substr(4));
- var b_mon = SortableTableSorts.englishMonthToNumber (b.substr(0,3));
- b = parseFloat(b.substr(4));
- if (a_mon < b_mon)
- return -1;
- if (a_mon > b_mon)
- return 1;
- if (a < b)
- return -1;
- return 1;
- },
-// This function handles DDD, Mon Day, Hour:Min A/PM
-// we also assume it's the same year, as we can't figure it out otherwise
- sortLongEnglishDate: function (a,b) {
- var aa = a.substr(5).split(/,/);
- var bb = b.substr(5).split(/,/);
- var aatmp = aa[1].split(/:/);
- var aa_hour = aatmp[0];
- var aa_min = aatmp[1].substr(0,2);
- if (aatmp[1].substr(3).toLowerCase() == 'pm')
- aa_hour += 12;
- var bbtmp = bb[1].split(/:/);
- var bb_hour = bbtmp[0];
- var bb_min = bbtmp[1].substr(0,2);
- if (bbtmp[1].substr(3).toLowerCase() == 'pm')
- bb_hour += 12;
- aa = aa[0];
- bb = bb[0];
- if (aa == bb)
- return 0;
- if (aa == 'none' || aa.length == 0)
- return -1;
- if (bb == 'none' || bb.length == 0)
- return 1;
- var aa_mon = SortableTableSorts.englishMonthToNumber (aa.substr(0,3));
- var aa_day = aa.substr(4);
- var bb_mon = SortableTableSorts.englishMonthToNumber (bb.substr(0,3));
- var bb_day = bb.substr(4);
- if (!aa_mon || !aa_day || !bb_mon || !bb_day)
- return -1;
- if (aa_mon < bb_mon)
- return -1;
- if (aa_mon > bb_mon)
- return 1;
- if (aa_day < bb_day)
- return -1;
- if (aa_day > bb_day)
- return 1;
- if (aa_hour < bb_hour)
- return -1;
- if (aa_hour > bb_hour)
- return 1;
- if (aa_minute < bb_minute)
- return -1;
- return 1;
- },
-// This function sorts expiration dates, such as in the quote list
- sortExpiration: function (a,b) {
- a = a.split(/ /)[0];
- b = b.split(/ /)[0];
- switch (a) {
- case 'Yesterday': a = -1; break;
- case 'Today': a = 0; break;
- case 'Tomorrow': a = 1; break;
- default: a = parseFloat(a);
- }
- switch (b) {
- case 'Yesterday': b = -1; break;
- case 'Today': b = 0; break;
- case 'Tomorrow': b = 1; break;
- default: b = parseFloat(b);
- }
- if (a > b)
- return 1;
- if (a < b)
- return -1;
- return 0;
- },
- englishMonthToNumber: function (mon) {
- switch (mon.toLowerCase()) {
- case 'jan' : return 1;
- case 'feb' : return 2;
- case 'mar' : return 3;
- case 'apr' : return 4;
- case 'may' : return 5;
- case 'jun' : return 6;
- case 'jul' : return 7;
- case 'aug' : return 8;
- case 'sep' : return 9;
- case 'oct' : return 10;
- case 'nov' : return 11;
- case 'dec' : return 12;
- }
- return 0;
- },
- sortCurrency: function (a,b) {
- return parseFloat(a.replace(/[^0-9.]/g,'')) - parseFloat(b.replace(/[^0-9.]/g,''));
- },
-// A non number or a blank is always less then a number.
- sortNumeric: function (a,b) {
- b = parseFloat(b);
- if (isNaN(b))
- return 1;
- a = parseFloat(a);
- if (isNaN(a))
- return -1;
- return a-b;
- },
-// A non number or a blank is always less then a number.
- sortNumericInvert: function (a,b) {
- return SortableTableSorts.sortNumeric(b,a);
- },
- sortCaseInsensitive: function (a,b) {
- a = a.toLowerCase();
- b = b.toLowerCase();
- if (a > b)
- return 1;
- if (a < b)
- return -1;
- return 0;
- },
- sortCaseSensitive: function (a,b) {
- if (a > b)
- return 1;
- if (a < b)
- return -1;
- return 0;
- },
- sortMythwebPlayTime: function (a,b) {
- if (a == b)
- return 0;
- var a_hrs = a.match(/([0-9]*) hr/);
- var a_min = a.match(/([0-9]*) min/);
- var a_val = 0;
- if (a_hrs)
- a_val += a_hrs[1]*60;
- if (a_min)
- a_val += a_min[1]*1;
- var b_hrs = b.match(/([0-9]*) hr/);
- var b_min = b.match(/([0-9]*) min/);
- var b_val = 0;
- if (b_hrs)
- b_val += b_hrs[1]*60;
- if (b_min)
- b_val += b_min[1]*1;
- return SortableTableSorts.sortNumeric(a_val, b_val);
- },
- sortMythwebChannel: function (a,b) {
- if (a == b)
- return 0;
- var a_channel = a.match(/([0-9]*) -/);
- if (a_channel)
- a_channel = a_channel[1];
- else
- a_channel = 0;
- var b_channel = b.match(/([0-9]*) -/);
- if (b_channel)
- b_channel = b_channel[1];
- else
- b_channel = 0;
- return SortableTableSorts.sortNumeric(a_channel, b_channel);
- },
-// Some compat wrappers
- date_us: function (a,b) {
- return SortableTableSorts.sortDateUs(a,b);
- },
- numeric: function (a,b) {
- return SortableTableSorts.sortNumeric(a,b);
- },
- numeric_invert: function (a,b) {
- return SortableTableSorts.sortNumericInvert(a,b);
- }