path: root/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro
diff options
authorCecil Hugh Watson <>2009-09-26 01:57:08 (GMT)
committerCecil Hugh Watson <>2009-09-26 01:57:08 (GMT)
commit7b29169fff9e7c624890c5edffe85def8a293136 (patch)
tree47753889faa3a2063b66d1c7e7681e703eb1b39a /abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro
parentc491dea779dac29afff3578bf8245943817c2339 (diff)
LinHES 6.01.00
Diffstat (limited to 'abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro')
-rw-r--r--abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/preview.jpgbin0 -> 1587 bytes
3 files changed, 851 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/lircd-compro.conf b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/lircd-compro.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..41f2c7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/lircd-compro.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+begin remote
+ name linux-input-layer
+ bits 32
+ begin codes
+ ESC 0x10001
+ 1 0x10002
+ 2 0x10003
+ 3 0x10004
+ 4 0x10005
+ 5 0x10006
+ 6 0x10007
+ 7 0x10008
+ 8 0x10009
+ 9 0x1000a
+ 0 0x1000b
+ MINUS 0x1000c
+ EQUAL 0x1000d
+ BACKSPACE 0x1000e
+ TAB 0x1000f
+ Q 0x10010
+ W 0x10011
+ E 0x10012
+ R 0x10013
+ T 0x10014
+ Y 0x10015
+ U 0x10016
+ I 0x10017
+ O 0x10018
+ P 0x10019
+ LEFTBRACE 0x1001a
+ RIGHTBRACE 0x1001b
+ ENTER 0x1001c
+ LEFTCTRL 0x1001d
+ A 0x1001e
+ S 0x1001f
+ D 0x10020
+ F 0x10021
+ G 0x10022
+ H 0x10023
+ J 0x10024
+ K 0x10025
+ L 0x10026
+ SEMICOLON 0x10027
+ APOSTROPHE 0x10028
+ GRAVE 0x10029
+ LEFTSHIFT 0x1002a
+ BACKSLASH 0x1002b
+ Z 0x1002c
+ X 0x1002d
+ C 0x1002e
+ V 0x1002f
+ B 0x10030
+ N 0x10031
+ M 0x10032
+ COMMA 0x10033
+ DOT 0x10034
+ SLASH 0x10035
+ RIGHTSHIFT 0x10036
+ KPASTERISK 0x10037
+ LEFTALT 0x10038
+ SPACE 0x10039
+ CAPSLOCK 0x1003a
+ F1 0x1003b
+ F2 0x1003c
+ F3 0x1003d
+ F4 0x1003e
+ F5 0x1003f
+ F6 0x10040
+ F7 0x10041
+ F8 0x10042
+ F9 0x10043
+ F10 0x10044
+ NUMLOCK 0x10045
+ SCROLLLOCK 0x10046
+ KP7 0x10047
+ KP8 0x10048
+ KP9 0x10049
+ KPMINUS 0x1004a
+ KP4 0x1004b
+ KP5 0x1004c
+ KP6 0x1004d
+ KPPLUS 0x1004e
+ KP1 0x1004f
+ KP2 0x10050
+ KP3 0x10051
+ KP0 0x10052
+ KPDOT 0x10053
+ 103RD 0x10054
+ F13 0x10055
+ 102ND 0x10056
+ F11 0x10057
+ F12 0x10058
+ F14 0x10059
+ F15 0x1005a
+ F16 0x1005b
+ F17 0x1005c
+ F18 0x1005d
+ F19 0x1005e
+ F20 0x1005f
+ KPENTER 0x10060
+ RIGHTCTRL 0x10061
+ KPSLASH 0x10062
+ SYSRQ 0x10063
+ RIGHTALT 0x10064
+ LINEFEED 0x10065
+ HOME 0x10066
+ UP 0x10067
+ PAGEUP 0x10068
+ LEFT 0x10069
+ RIGHT 0x1006a
+ END 0x1006b
+ DOWN 0x1006c
+ PAGEDOWN 0x1006d
+ INSERT 0x1006e
+ DELETE 0x1006f
+ MACRO 0x10070
+ MUTE 0x10071
+ VOLUMEDOWN 0x10072
+ VOLUMEUP 0x10073
+ POWER 0x10074
+ KPEQUAL 0x10075
+ PAUSE 0x10077
+ F21 0x10078
+ F22 0x10079
+ F23 0x1007a
+ F24 0x1007b
+ KPCOMMA 0x1007c
+ LEFTMETA 0x1007d
+ RIGHTMETA 0x1007e
+ COMPOSE 0x1007f
+ STOP 0x10080
+ AGAIN 0x10081
+ PROPS 0x10082
+ UNDO 0x10083
+ FRONT 0x10084
+ COPY 0x10085
+ OPEN 0x10086
+ PASTE 0x10087
+ FIND 0x10088
+ CUT 0x10089
+ HELP 0x1008a
+ MENU 0x1008b
+ CALC 0x1008c
+ SETUP 0x1008d
+ SLEEP 0x1008e
+ WAKEUP 0x1008f
+ FILE 0x10090
+ SENDFILE 0x10091
+ DELETEFILE 0x10092
+ XFER 0x10093
+ PROG1 0x10094
+ PROG2 0x10095
+ WWW 0x10096
+ MSDOS 0x10097
+ COFFEE 0x10098
+ DIRECTION 0x10099
+ MAIL 0x1009b
+ BOOKMARKS 0x1009c
+ COMPUTER 0x1009d
+ BACK 0x1009e
+ FORWARD 0x1009f
+ CLOSECD 0x100a0
+ EJECTCD 0x100a1
+ NEXTSONG 0x100a3
+ PLAYPAUSE 0x100a4
+ STOPCD 0x100a6
+ RECORD 0x100a7
+ REWIND 0x100a8
+ PHONE 0x100a9
+ ISO 0x100aa
+ CONFIG 0x100ab
+ HOMEPAGE 0x100ac
+ REFRESH 0x100ad
+ EXIT 0x100ae
+ MOVE 0x100af
+ EDIT 0x100b0
+ SCROLLUP 0x100b1
+ SCROLLDOWN 0x100b2
+ INTL1 0x100b5
+ INTL2 0x100b6
+ INTL3 0x100b7
+ INTL4 0x100b8
+ INTL5 0x100b9
+ INTL6 0x100ba
+ INTL7 0x100bb
+ INTL8 0x100bc
+ INTL9 0x100bd
+ LANG1 0x100be
+ LANG2 0x100bf
+ LANG3 0x100c0
+ LANG4 0x100c1
+ LANG5 0x100c2
+ LANG6 0x100c3
+ LANG7 0x100c4
+ LANG8 0x100c5
+ LANG9 0x100c6
+ PLAYCD 0x100c8
+ PAUSECD 0x100c9
+ PROG3 0x100ca
+ PROG4 0x100cb
+ SUSPEND 0x100cd
+ CLOSE 0x100ce
+ PLAY 0x100cf
+ BASSBOOST 0x100d1
+ PRINT 0x100d2
+ HP 0x100d3
+ CAMERA 0x100d4
+ SOUND 0x100d5
+ QUESTION 0x100d6
+ EMAIL 0x100d7
+ CHAT 0x100d8
+ SEARCH 0x100d9
+ CONNECT 0x100da
+ FINANCE 0x100db
+ SPORT 0x100dc
+ SHOP 0x100dd
+ ALTERASE 0x100de
+ CANCEL 0x100df
+ MEDIA 0x100e2
+ UNKNOWN 0x100f0
+ BTN_MISC 0x10100
+ BTN_0 0x10100
+ BTN_1 0x10101
+ BTN_2 0x10102
+ BTN_3 0x10103
+ BTN_4 0x10104
+ BTN_5 0x10105
+ BTN_6 0x10106
+ BTN_7 0x10107
+ BTN_8 0x10108
+ BTN_9 0x10109
+ BTN_MOUSE 0x10110
+ BTN_LEFT 0x10110
+ BTN_RIGHT 0x10111
+ BTN_MIDDLE 0x10112
+ BTN_SIDE 0x10113
+ BTN_EXTRA 0x10114
+ BTN_FORWARD 0x10115
+ BTN_BACK 0x10116
+ BTN_TASK 0x10117
+ BTN_JOYSTICK 0x10120
+ BTN_TRIGGER 0x10120
+ BTN_THUMB 0x10121
+ BTN_THUMB2 0x10122
+ BTN_TOP 0x10123
+ BTN_TOP2 0x10124
+ BTN_PINKIE 0x10125
+ BTN_BASE 0x10126
+ BTN_BASE2 0x10127
+ BTN_BASE3 0x10128
+ BTN_BASE4 0x10129
+ BTN_BASE5 0x1012a
+ BTN_BASE6 0x1012b
+ BTN_DEAD 0x1012f
+ BTN_GAMEPAD 0x10130
+ BTN_A 0x10130
+ BTN_B 0x10131
+ BTN_C 0x10132
+ BTN_X 0x10133
+ BTN_Y 0x10134
+ BTN_Z 0x10135
+ BTN_TL 0x10136
+ BTN_TR 0x10137
+ BTN_TL2 0x10138
+ BTN_TR2 0x10139
+ BTN_SELECT 0x1013a
+ BTN_START 0x1013b
+ BTN_MODE 0x1013c
+ BTN_THUMBL 0x1013d
+ BTN_THUMBR 0x1013e
+ BTN_DIGI 0x10140
+ BTN_TOOL_PEN 0x10140
+ BTN_TOOL_BRUSH 0x10142
+ BTN_TOOL_MOUSE 0x10146
+ BTN_TOOL_LENS 0x10147
+ BTN_TOUCH 0x1014a
+ BTN_STYLUS 0x1014b
+ BTN_STYLUS2 0x1014c
+ BTN_WHEEL 0x10150
+ BTN_GEAR_DOWN 0x10150
+ BTN_GEAR_UP 0x10151
+ OK 0x10160
+ SELECT 0x10161
+ GOTO 0x10162
+ CLEAR 0x10163
+ POWER2 0x10164
+ OPTION 0x10165
+ INFO 0x10166
+ TIME 0x10167
+ VENDOR 0x10168
+ ARCHIVE 0x10169
+ PROGRAM 0x1016a
+ CHANNEL 0x1016b
+ FAVORITES 0x1016c
+ EPG 0x1016d
+ PVR 0x1016e
+ MHP 0x1016f
+ LANGUAGE 0x10170
+ TITLE 0x10171
+ SUBTITLE 0x10172
+ ANGLE 0x10173
+ ZOOM 0x10174
+ MODE 0x10175
+ KEYBOARD 0x10176
+ SCREEN 0x10177
+ PC 0x10178
+ TV 0x10179
+ TV2 0x1017a
+ VCR 0x1017b
+ VCR2 0x1017c
+ SAT 0x1017d
+ SAT2 0x1017e
+ CD 0x1017f
+ TAPE 0x10180
+ RADIO 0x10181
+ TUNER 0x10182
+ PLAYER 0x10183
+ TEXT 0x10184
+ DVD 0x10185
+ AUX 0x10186
+ MP3 0x10187
+ AUDIO 0x10188
+ VIDEO 0x10189
+ DIRECTORY 0x1018a
+ LIST 0x1018b
+ MEMO 0x1018c
+ CALENDAR 0x1018d
+ RED 0x1018e
+ GREEN 0x1018f
+ YELLOW 0x10190
+ BLUE 0x10191
+ CHANNELUP 0x10192
+ FIRST 0x10194
+ LAST 0x10195
+ AB 0x10196
+ NEXT 0x10197
+ RESTART 0x10198
+ SLOW 0x10199
+ SHUFFLE 0x1019a
+ BREAK 0x1019b
+ PREVIOUS 0x1019c
+ DIGITS 0x1019d
+ TEEN 0x1019e
+ TWEN 0x1019f
+ DEL_EOL 0x101c0
+ DEL_EOS 0x101c1
+ INS_LINE 0x101c2
+ DEL_LINE 0x101c3
+ end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/lircrc-compro.txt b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/lircrc-compro.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3a7fae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/lircrc-compro.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = UP
+ config = Up
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = DOWN
+ config = Down
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = LEFT
+ config = Left
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = RIGHT
+ config = Right
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = DVD
+ config = Esc
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = Go
+# Swap the PiP windows
+ config = N
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = 1
+ config = 1
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = 2
+ config = 2
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = 3
+ config = 3
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = 4
+ config = 4
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = 5
+ config = 5
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = 6
+ config = 6
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = 7
+ config = 7
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = 8
+ config = 8
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = 9
+ config = 9
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = 0
+ config = 0
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = TV
+ config = Esc
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = VIDEO
+ config = M
+# Below are keys used with the Hauppauge Grey remote
+ prog = mythtv
+# This is the Red key
+# We'll use it for "Delete"
+ button = Red
+ config = D
+ prog = mythtv
+# This is the Green key
+# We'll use it for "Information"
+ button = Green
+ config = I
+# Note the "repeat =" strings in the volume and channel.
+# This means that if you hold down the key, every nth instance will be
+# passed. This depends on your system, so you may want to increase or
+# decrease this and see what happens. repeat = 1 is probably too
+# fast.
+ prog = mythtv
+# This is the Yellow key
+# Use it as a volume key
+ button = VOLUMEDOWN
+ repeat = 3
+ config = F10
+ prog = mythtv
+# This is the Blue key
+# Use it as a volume key
+ button = VOLUMEUP
+ repeat = 3
+ config = F11
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = CHANNELUP
+# This is the "up" on the central diamond
+ repeat = 3
+ config = Up
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = CHANNELDOWN
+# This is the "down" on the central diamond
+ repeat = 3
+ config = Down
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = VOLUMEUP
+# This is the "left" on the central diamond
+ repeat = 3
+ config = Right
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = VOLUMEDOWN
+# This is the "right" on the central diamond
+ repeat = 3
+ config = Left
+ prog = mythtv
+# Middle button on the diamond
+ button = OK
+ config = Return
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = MUTE
+ config = |
+ prog = mythtv
+# Change focus for PiP (to change channel in the other window)
+ button = Blank
+ config = B
+ prog = mythtv
+# Toggle PiP on/off
+ button = Full
+ config = V
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = REWIND
+ config = <
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = PLAY
+ config = P
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = FORWARD
+ config = >
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = RECORD
+ config = R
+ prog = mythtv
+# Teletext
+ button = STOP
+ config = T
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = PLAYPAUSE
+ config = P
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = Replay
+# Use for backwards commercial skip
+ config = Q
+ prog = mythtv
+ button = Skip
+# Use for forward commercial skip
+ config = Z
+ prog = mplayer
+ button = VIDEO
+ config = quit
+ prog = mplayer
+ button = SETUP
+ config = osd
+ prog = mplayer
+ button = REWIND
+ config = seek -10
+ repeat = 1
+ prog = mplayer
+ button = FOWARD
+ config = seek +10
+ repeat = 1
+ prog = mplayer
+ button = PREVIOUS
+ config = seek -60
+ repeat = 1
+ prog = mplayer
+ button = NEXT
+ config = seek +60
+ repeat = 1
+ prog = mplayer
+ button = PLAYPAUSE
+ config = pause
+ prog = mplayer
+ button = PLAYPAUSE
+ config = pause
+ prog = mplayer
+ button = VIDEO
+ config = quit
+ prog = mplayer
+ button = VOLUMEUP
+ config = volume +1
+ repeat = 1
+ prog = mplayer
+ button = VOLUMEDOWN
+ config = volume -1
+ repeat = 1
+ prog = mplayer
+ button = MUTE
+ config = mute
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = PLAY
+ repeat = 3
+ config = Play
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = STOP
+ repeat = 3
+ config = Stop
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = BACK/EXIT
+ config = Quit
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = PAUSE
+ repeat = 3
+ config = Pause
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = CH+
+ repeat = 4
+ config = EventUp
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = CH-
+ repeat = 4
+ config = EventDown
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = VOL-
+ repeat = 4
+ config = Volume-
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = VOL+
+ repeat = 4
+ config = Volume+
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = OK
+ repeat = 0
+ config = EventSelect
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = MENU
+ repeat = 0
+ config = Menu
+ end
+ #vol down
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = YELLOW
+ repeat = 1
+ config = EventLeft
+ end
+ #vol up
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Red
+ repeat = 1
+ config = EventRight
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = FFW
+ repeat = 2
+ config = SeekRelative+30
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = REW
+ repeat = 2
+ config = SeekRelative-30
+ end
+ #ch up
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Green
+ repeat = 1
+ config = SeekRelative+60
+ end
+ #ch down
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Blue
+ repeat = 1
+ config = SeekRelative-60
+ end
+ #sleep
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = GO
+ repeat = 1
+ config = ZoomIn
+ end
+ #display
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = SKIP
+ repeat = 1
+ config = ZoomOut
+ end
+ #skip chapter forward
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = SKIP
+ repeat = 1
+ config = EventNext
+ end
+ #skip chapter backward
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = REPLAY
+ repeat = 1
+ config = EventPrior
+ end
diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/preview.jpg b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/preview.jpg
Binary files differ