path: root/abs/extra/community/torrentflux/PKGBUILD
diff options
authorCecil Hugh Watson <>2009-09-26 01:57:08 (GMT)
committerCecil Hugh Watson <>2009-09-26 01:57:08 (GMT)
commit7b29169fff9e7c624890c5edffe85def8a293136 (patch)
tree47753889faa3a2063b66d1c7e7681e703eb1b39a /abs/extra/community/torrentflux/PKGBUILD
parentc491dea779dac29afff3578bf8245943817c2339 (diff)
LinHES 6.01.00
Diffstat (limited to 'abs/extra/community/torrentflux/PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/abs/extra/community/torrentflux/PKGBUILD b/abs/extra/community/torrentflux/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f2c9f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/extra/community/torrentflux/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# 'Maintainer': Mikko Seppälä <> aka Neverth
+pkgdesc="TorrentFlux is a free php based Torrent client that runs on a web server. Manage all of your Torrents remotely or locally."
+arch=(i686 x86_64)
+# You still need your favorite httpd, I do not wish to force it.
+depends=('mysql' 'php' 'python' 'pycrypto' 'transmission-cli')
+source=("${pkgname}_${pkgver}.tar.gz" "torrentflux.install")
+md5sums=('8fdc3952bc2ece9f10bcee299b2aeb16' 'f14ebd47dd41c7949411973c2f74f4fd')
+ cd $startdir/src/${pkgname}_${pkgver}
+ install -d $startdir/pkg/opt/torrentflux
+ # This thing is compressed in windows? fix permissions later..
+ cp -R html/* $startdir/pkg/opt/torrentflux/
+ cp -R sql $startdir/pkg/opt/torrentflux
+ cd $startdir/pkg
+ # Our group
+ chgrp -R daemon opt/torrentflux
+ chmod -R 775 opt/torrentflux
+ # Our mysqluser, we dont want root here :p
+ sed -re 's/root/torrentfluxie/' -i opt/torrentflux/config.php
+ cd opt/torrentflux
+ # Permissions...
+ find ./ -name \*php -exec chmod 444 '{}' \;
+ find ./ -name \*png -exec chmod 444 '{}' \;
+ find ./ -name \*gif -exec chmod 444 '{}' \;
+ # They dont want to read this
+ chmod 660 config.php
+ chmod 444 favicon.ico dtree.css *.js blank.html TF_BitTornado/index.html images/*{gif,png,ico,html} searchEngines/* themes/index.html downloads/index.html
+ # We dont touch to adodb, leave it for customizer, as so we leave subdirs for now
+ # Upgrade files
+ install -D -m444 $startdir/src/${pkgname}_${pkgver}/upgrades/upgrade21_22.php $startdir/pkg/opt/torrentflux/upgradeflux21_22.php
+ install -D -m444 $startdir/src/${pkgname}_${pkgver}/upgrades/upgrade22_23.php $startdir/pkg/opt/torrentflux/upgradeflux22_23.php
+ install -D -m444 $startdir/src/${pkgname}_${pkgver}/upgrades/upgrade23_24.php $startdir/pkg/opt/torrentflux/upgradeflux23_24.php