path: root/abs/extra/myt2xvid3
diff options
authorJames Meyer <>2013-02-19 21:10:18 (GMT)
committerJames Meyer <>2013-02-19 21:10:18 (GMT)
commit2648e999d277eac5c3d331a3609bcc73fafbea71 (patch)
tree40951fb8e7fdbe28a0baa324ae615055203f1e2e /abs/extra/myt2xvid3
parentc759b5e0c4aa6fc37412b4dee2cf9ad993fd376d (diff)
parent7e6f7ca174e1af67178dc5293a312a4a733eb095 (diff)
Merge branch 'testing'
# By James Meyer (1091) and others # Via James Meyer (5) and others * testing: (1148 commits) LinHES-config: during install don't kill off lirc. This keeps the remote active all the way to the finish Change version numbers to 8.0 to match the release number. LinHES-conifg LinHES-system mythdb-initial runit-scripts supplemental-web LinHES-conifig: for the last partition don't go all the way to the end. Gotta leave room for gpt tables. xf86-video-ati: xorg ati driver. LinHES-config: add syncing up of parental lvl passwords and starting level with MBE. LinHES-system: correct the logic for breaking out of the wmctrl loop. As written it would break out of the inner loop..but not the 60 iteration loop. e16_theme_settings: remove slide-in prop for new windows. For whatever reason this was preventing mplayer from being positioned correctly for appletrailers. LinHES-config, mythinstall: change case of hd_pvr and serial to all lower refs #902 zilog-firmware: firmware for TX support of the hdpvr and pvr-150 In general I can't recommend anybody using these transmitters but including the firmware just in case someone really wants to linhes-udev-rules: added hdprv_lirc rule. All of these lirc rules are limited to exactly one device. If more then one device is present then only the last device in init will get the symlink runit-scripts: fix logging for igdeamon, add support to remote init script so that the blaster is always the first device in the chain. added support specificly for hd_pvr LinHES-system: add lh_system_restore and lh_system_backup. These scripts are called from the mythmenu. refs #900 iguanair: rebuild with python 2.7 LinHES-system: fix init and nasty bug related to timeout. In a nutshell timeout wouldn't work unless a msg without a timeout was called first. linhes-udev-rules: add rules for mce,streamzap,serial lirc devices. mythinstall: recompile for matching libs mythtv: latest .25-fixes and change mythbackup/restore call lh_system_$op to replace mythbackup/mythrestore. mythbackup no longer works correctly with the new windowmanager linhes-scripts: myth2mp3, myth2x264, myth2xvid: use mythutil to get cutlist LinHES-config, supplimental-web: Fix proxy numbering for Ceton infiniTV linhes-system: add additional stuff to the system backup and also introduced an exclude file. The exclude/include files are locate in /home/mythtv/backup_config/ ...
Diffstat (limited to 'abs/extra/myt2xvid3')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 531 deletions
diff --git a/abs/extra/myt2xvid3/PKGBUILD b/abs/extra/myt2xvid3/PKGBUILD
deleted file mode 100755
index abd7cb5..0000000
--- a/abs/extra/myt2xvid3/PKGBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-pkgdesc="A multimedia framework based on the MPEG-4 Systems standard"
-source=( myt2xvid3 archive.php)
-build() {
- cd $startdir/src
- install -D -m 755 myt2xvid3 $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/myt2xvid3
- install -D -m 755 $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/
- mkdir -m777 -p $startdir/pkg/myth/video/archive/
- install -D -m 755 archive.php $startdir/pkg/myth/video/archive/
diff --git a/abs/extra/myt2xvid3/archive.php b/abs/extra/myt2xvid3/archive.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f970868..0000000
--- a/abs/extra/myt2xvid3/archive.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-// based on m2iweb.php by
-//release 0.1
- <title>MythWeb - Archive Recordings</title>
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
- <script type="text/javascript" src="/mythweb/js/init.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="/mythweb/js/browser.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="/mythweb/js/utils.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="/mythweb/js/mouseovers.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="/mythweb/js/visibility.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="/mythweb/js/ajax.js"></script>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/mythweb/skins/default/style.css" />
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/mythweb/skins/default/header.css" />
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/mythweb/skins/default/menus.css" />
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/mythweb/skins/default/programming.css" />
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-<div id="page_header" class="clearfix">
- <div id="logo_box">
- <a id="mythtv_logo" href="/mythweb/">
- <img src="/mythweb/skins/default/img/mythtv-logo.png"
-width="174" height="48" border="0" alt="MythTV" class="alpha_png">
- </a>
- </div>
- <div id="sections">
- <a id="tv_link" href="/mythweb/tv" onmouseover="return help_text('TV functions, including recorded programs.')" onmouseout="return help_text()">
- <img src="/mythweb/skins/default/img/tv.png" width="48" height="48" class="alpha_png" alt="MythTV"/>
- </a>
- <a id="video_link" href="/mythweb/video" onmouseover="return help_text('MythVideo on the web.')" onmouseout="return help_text()">
- <img src="/mythweb/skins/default/img/video.png" width="48" height="48" class="alpha_png" alt="MythVideo" />
- </a>
- <a id="weather_link" href="/mythweb/weather" onmouseover="return help_text('MythWeb Weather.')" onmouseout="return help_text()">
- <img src="/mythweb/skins/default/img/weather.png" width="48" height="48" class="alpha_png" alt="MythWeather" />
- </a>
- <a id="settings_link" href="/mythweb/settings" onmouseover="return help_text('Edit MythWeb and some MythTV settings.')" onmouseout="return help_text()">
- <img src="/mythweb/skins/default/img/settings.png" width="48" height="48" class="alpha_png" alt="Settings" />
- </a>
- </div>
- <div id="extra_header">
- <div id="help_wrapper">
- <div id="help_box">
- <div id="help_text_default">
- MythWeb: Mon May 16, 2006, 09:09 PM </div>
- <div id="help_text">
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="search" >
- <form action="/mythweb/tv/search" method="post">
- <div id="simple_search">
- <input id="search_text" type="text" name="searchstr" size="15" value="">
- <input id="search_submit" type="submit" class="submit" value="Search"> (<a href="/mythweb/tv/search">Advanced</a>)
- </div>
- <div id="search_options">
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- </form>
- </div>
- </div>
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
- <td colspan="2" class="menu menu_border_t menu_border_b"><table class="body" width="100%" border="0"
-cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
- <tr>
- <td><div id="command_choices">
- <a href="/mythweb/" id="category_legend" onmouseover="popup('category_legend'); return true;">MythTV:</a> &nbsp; &nbsp;
- <a href="/mythweb/tv/list">Listings</a>
- &nbsp; | &nbsp;
- <a href="/mythweb/tv/searches">Searches</a>
- &nbsp; | &nbsp;
- <a href="/mythweb/tv/schedules">Recording Schedules</a>
- (<a href="/mythweb/tv/schedules/manual">Manual</a>,
- <a href="/mythweb/tv/schedules/custom">Custom</a>)
- &nbsp; | &nbsp;
- <a href="/mythweb/tv/upcoming">Upcoming Recordings</a>
- &nbsp; | &nbsp;
- <a href="/mythweb/tv/recorded">Recorded Programs</a>
- &nbsp; | &nbsp;
- <a href="/ipodfeed/m2iweb.php">Myth2iPod</a>
- &nbsp; | &nbsp;
- <a href="/archive/archive.php">Myt2XviD3</a>
- &nbsp; | &nbsp;
- <a href="/mythweb/status">Backend Status</a>
- </div></td>
- </tr>
- </table></td>
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="2" class="list small">
-<tr><td colspan="10" class="list_separator">View and delete recordings transcoded to XviD via Myt2XviD3.</td></tr>
-if (isset($_REQUEST['delete'])){
- $delete = $_REQUEST['delete'];
- if ($delete AND substr($delete, -9) == ".XviD.xml") {
- echo '<tr><td colspan="10" class="list_separator">
- <font color="red">';
- echo $delete;
- unlink($delete) or print(" failed to be ");
- echo ' has been deleted, ';
- $deletetoo = substr($delete, 0, -3)."avi";
- echo $deletetoo;
- unlink($deletetoo) or print(" failed to be ");
- echo ' has been deleted.';
- echo'</td></tr>';
- }
- $i=1;
- foreach (glob("*.XviD.xml") as $file) {
- $lines = file($file);
- echo '<tr class="recorded"><td class="list">&nbsp;</td><td>';
- echo '<font color="';
- if (!file_exists(substr($file, 0, -3)."avi")) {
- echo "red";
- }
- echo '">'.$i.'</font>';
- echo "</td></td><td><a href=".'"'.substr($file, 0, -3)."avi".'"'."style='color:white'>".strip_tags($lines[1])."</a></td><td>".strip_tags($lines[7])."</td><td>".strip_tags($lines[6])."</td><td nowrap>".filesizeparse(filesize(substr($file, 0, -3)."avi"))."</td><td>".'<a href="?delete='.$file.'" onclick="return confirm('."'Are you sure you want to delete?'".')">Delete</a>'."</td>".'<td class="list">&nbsp;</td>'."</tr>";
- $i++;
- }
-function filesizeparse($size){
- $i=0;
- $iec = array(" B", " KB", " MB", " GB", " TB");
- while (($size/1024)>1) {
- $size=$size/1024;
- $i++;
- }
- return substr($size,0,strpos($size,'.')+3).$iec[$i];
diff --git a/abs/extra/myt2xvid3/myt2xvid3 b/abs/extra/myt2xvid3/myt2xvid3
deleted file mode 100755
index af65188..0000000
--- a/abs/extra/myt2xvid3/myt2xvid3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# VERSION: 1.0b2 - myth2ipod
-# Get the latest version, and change log at
-# Author: Chris aka Wififun - email:
-# Contributions and testing by Paul Egli
-# modified to use nuvexport by starv at juniks dot org
-# Includes
-use DBI;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use File::Path;
-# User variables
-my $portable = "XviD";
-my $feedfile = "/myth/video/archive/feed.php";
-my $feedpath = "/myth/video/archive/";
-my $wwwloc = "/data/srv/httpd/htdocs";
-my $feedurl = "http://REPLACEME/archive/";
-my $nuvoptions ="--mode=XviD --nice=19 --cutlist --nodenoise --nodeinterlace --crop --multipass";
-# Some variables
-our ($dest, $format, $usage);
-our ($db_host, $db_user, $db_name, $db_pass, $video_dir);
-our ($hostname, $db_handle, $sql, $statement, $row_ref);
-our ($chanid, $start, $nuvfile, @nuvarray);
-my $rebuild = '0';
-my $encode = '0';
-my $debug = '0';
-my $setup = '0';
-my $cut = '0';
-my( $rightnow ) = `date`;
-GetOptions ("rebuild" => \$rebuild,
- "encode" => \$encode,
- "debug" => \$debug,
- "setup" => \$setup,
- "cut" => \$cut);
-if ($setup == 1){
- system("clear");
- print "Setup will do everything needed to run this script.\n";
- print "This has only been tested on KnoppMyth R5A22.\n";
- print "make sure you have edited the variables for your conguration.\n";
- my $cksetup = &promptUser("\nAre you sure you want to procceed?","n");
- if ($cksetup =~ "y") {
- DoSetup();
- exit;
- }
- print "Setup exited. Nothing done.\n";
- exit;
-elsif ($rebuild == 1){
- GenerateRSSFeed();
- print "Rebuilding of RSS feed is complete.\n";
- exit;
-else {
- Encode4Portable();
- print "$title is ready for your $portable\n";
- # Check to see if the feed file exists; if not, create it.
- if (! -e $feedfile) {
- print "No feed file found. I will make one for you.\n";
- GenerateRSSFeed();
- print "All done.\n";
- }
-sub Encode4Portable{
- if ($#ARGV != 1) {
- print "Encoding requires options.\nusage: myth2ipod <options> DIRECTORY FILE\n";
- exit;
- }
- # Get the show information
- $directory = $ARGV[0];
- $file = $ARGV[1];
- @file = split(/_/, $file);
- $chanid = $file[0];
- $start = substr $file[1],0,14;
- if($debug == 1){ print "$chanid\n$start\n"};
- if (! -e $directory."/".$file){
- print "Oops, the file ".$directory.$file." does not exist.\n";
- exit;
- }
- # Connect to the database
- PrepSQLRead();
- $db_handle = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=$db_name:host=$db_host", $db_user, $db_pass)
- or die "Cannot connect to database: $!\n\n";
- $sql = "SELECT title, subtitle, description, category, starttime FROM recorded WHERE chanid = $chanid AND DATE_FORMAT(starttime,'%Y%m%d%H%i%s') = $start";
- $statement = $db_handle->prepare($sql)
- or die "Couldn't prepare query '$sql': $DBI::errstr\n";
- $statement->execute()
- or die "Couldn't execute query '$sql': $DBI::errstr\n";
- $row_ref = $statement->fetchrow_hashref();
- if($debug == 1){ print "$row_ref->{starttime}\n"};
- $title = $row_ref->{title};
- $subtitle = $row_ref->{subtitle};
- $recorddate = $row_ref->{starttime};
- $description = $row_ref->{description};
- $category = $row_ref->{category};
- $filename = $title."-".$subtitle."-".substr $start, 0, 8;
- $filename =~ s/ /_/g;
- $filename =~ s/&/+/g;
- $filename =~ s/\047//g;
- $filename =~ s/[^+0-9a-zA-Z_-]+/_/g;
- $filename =~ s/_$//g;
- printf("Starting nuvexport...\n");
- EncodeIt();
- printf("Nuvexport completed, starting xml generation...\n");
- CreateItemXML();
- printf("XML file created for \"$filename\" : Yipeee\n");
- printf("Cleaning up temporary files\n");
- $cmd = "rm -f $feedpath$chanid\_$start.temp.mp4";
- print $cmd."\n";
- if(system($cmd)) { print "Removing nuvexport temp file failed\n"; }
- # remove the cutlist incase we added it.
- if ($cut == 1){
- printf("Generating cutlist\n");
- $cmd = "/usr/bin/mythcommflag --chanid $chanid --starttime $start --clearcutlist";
- print $cmd."\n";
- if(system($cmd)) { print "It looks like I was not able to generate a cutlist.\n"; }
- }
- return 0;
-# Encode for Portable
-sub EncodeIt {
- # Create cutlist from commercial flagging if -cut was passed to the script
- if ($cut == 1){
- printf("Generating cutlist\n");
- $cmd = "/usr/bin/mythcommflag --chanid $chanid --starttime $start --gencutlist";
- print $cmd."\n";
- if(system($cmd)) { print "It looks like I was not able to generate a cutlist.\n"; }
- }
- # Use nuvexport to do the work
- $cmd = "/usr/bin/nuvexport --chanid=$chanid --start=$start $nuvoptions --filename=$chanid\_$start.$portable --path=$feedpath";
- print $cmd."\n";
- if(system($cmd)) { print "Nuvexport encoding seems to have failed\n"; }
- # Now clean up the output so iPods with firmware 1.1 and above can use it
- #$cmd = "/usr/local/bin/MP4Box -add $feedpath$chanid\_$start.temp.mp4 $feedpath$chanid\_$start.$portable.mp4";
- #print $cmd."\n";
- #if(system($cmd)) { print "MP4Box cleanup seems to have failed\n"; }
- return 0;
-# Create XML with <ITEM> tag for this video file
-sub CreateItemXML {
- open(ITEM, ">$feedpath$chanid\_$start.$portable.xml");
- print ITEM "<item>\n";
- print ITEM "<title>".&encodeForXML($title." - ".$subtitle)."</title>\n";
- print ITEM "<itunes:author>MythTV</itunes:author>\n";
- print ITEM "<author>MythTV</author>\n";
- print ITEM "<itunes:category text=\"TV Shows\"></itunes:category>\n";
- print ITEM "<comments>".&encodeForXML($file)."</comments>\n";
- print ITEM "<description>".&encodeForXML($description)."</description>\n";
- print ITEM "<pubDate>".$recorddate."</pubDate>\n";
- print ITEM "<enclosure url=\"".&encodeForXML("$feedurl$chanid\_$start.$portable.avi")."\" type=\"video/quicktime\" />\n";
- print ITEM "<itunes:duration></itunes:duration>\n";
- print ITEM "<itunes:keywords>".&encodeForXML($title." - ".$subtitle." - ".$category)."</itunes:keywords>\n";
- print ITEM "<category>".&encodeForXML($category)."</category>\n";
- print ITEM "</item>\n";
- print "\"$filename\" has been added to the feed.\n";
- close(ITEM);
- return 0;
-# Generate the RSS feed by combining the ITEM XML Files
-sub GenerateRSSFeed {
- open(RSS, ">$feedfile");
- print RSS "<?php\n";
- print RSS "header(\"Content-Type: text/xml\");\n";
- print RSS "echo \"<?xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"UTF-8\\\"?>\"; ?>\n";
- print RSS "<rss xmlns:itunes=\"\" version=\"2.0\">\n";
- print RSS "<channel>\n";
- print RSS "<title>MythTV - <? if (\$_GET['title'] == \"\") { \$title = \"*\"; echo \"Recorded Programs\"; }\n";
- print RSS "else { \$title = \$_GET['title']; echo str_replace(\"_\",\" \",\$_GET['title']); } ?> </title>\n";
- print RSS "<itunes:author>MythTV - myth2ipod</itunes:author>\n";
- print RSS "<link>".&encodeForXML($feedurl)."</link>\n";
- print RSS "<itunes:subtitle>Transcoded recording for your iPod Video.</itunes:subtitle>\n";
- print RSS "<itunes:summary>Myth TV Recorded Programs for the iPod v.1</itunes:summary>\n";
- print RSS "<description>Myth TV Recorded Programs for the iPod v.1</description>\n";
- print RSS "<itunes:owner>\n";
- print RSS "<itunes:name>MythTV</itunes:name>\n";
- print RSS "<itunes:email>mythtv\@localhost</itunes:email>\n";
- print RSS "</itunes:owner>\n";
- print RSS "<itunes:explicit>No</itunes:explicit>\n";
- print RSS "<language>en-us</language>\n";
- print RSS "<copyright>Copyright 2005.</copyright>\n";
- print RSS "<webMaster>mythtv\@localhost</webMaster>\n";
- print RSS "<itunes:image href=\"\" />\n";
- print RSS "<itunes:category text=\"TV Shows\"></itunes:category>\n";
- print RSS "<category>TV Shows</category>\n";
- print RSS "<itunes:image href=\"\"/>";
- print RSS "<image>";
- print RSS "<url></url>\n";
- print RSS "<title>MythTV 2 iPod</title>\n";
- print RSS "<link>".&encodeForXML($feedurl)."</link>\n";
- print RSS "<width>200</width>\n";
- print RSS "<height>200</height>\n";
- print RSS "</image>\n";
- print RSS "<? foreach (glob(\$title\.\"*\.$portable\.xml\") as \$file) {include \$file;} ?>\n";
- print RSS "</channel>\n";
- print RSS "</rss>\n";
- close(RSS);
- if($debug == 1){ print "I created a feed file, was I supposed to?\n"};
- return 0;
-# substitute for XML entities
-sub encodeForXML {
- local $result;
- $result = $_[0];
- $result =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
- $result =~ s/</&lt;/g;
- $result =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
- $result;
-# This code taken from one of the scripts to get MySQL information
-sub PrepSQLRead{
-# Get the hostname of this machine
- $hostname = `hostname`;
- chomp($hostname);
-# Read the mysql.txt file in use by MythTV.
-# could be in a couple places, so try the usual suspects
- my $found = 0;
- my @mysql = ('/usr/local/share/mythtv/mysql.txt',
- '/usr/share/mythtv/mysql.txt',
- '/etc/mythtv/mysql.txt',
- '/usr/local/etc/mythtv/mysql.txt',
- "$ENV{HOME}/.mythtv/mysql.txt",
- 'mysql.txt'
- );
- foreach my $file (@mysql) {
- next unless (-e $file);
- $found = 1;
- open(CONF, $file) or die "Unable to open $file: $!\n\n";
- while (my $line = <CONF>) {
- # Cleanup
- next if ($line =~ /^\s*#/);
- $line =~ s/^str //;
- chomp($line);
- # Split off the var=val pairs
- my ($var, $val) = split(/\=/, $line, 2);
- next unless ($var && $var =~ /\w/);
- if ($var eq 'DBHostName') {
- $db_host = $val;
- }
- elsif ($var eq 'DBUserName') {
- $db_user = $val;
- }
- elsif ($var eq 'DBName') {
- $db_name = $val;
- }
- elsif ($var eq 'DBPassword') {
- $db_pass = $val;
- }
- # Hostname override
- elsif ($var eq 'LocalHostName') {
- $hostname = $val;
- }
- }
- close CONF;
- }
- die "Unable to locate mysql.txt: $!\n\n" unless ($found && $db_host);
- return 0;
-sub promptUser {
- local($promptString,$defaultValue) = @_;
- if ($defaultValue) {
- print $promptString, "[", $defaultValue, "]: ";
- } else {
- print $promptString, ": ";
- }
- $| = 1; # force a flush after our print
- $_ = <STDIN>; # get the input from STDIN (presumably the keyboard)
- chomp;
- if ("$defaultValue") {
- return $_ ? $_ : $defaultValue; # return $_ if it has a value
- } else {
- return $_;
- }
-sub DoSetup {
- print "\nNot ready yet. How do you send the cd command from perl?\n";
- return 0;
diff --git a/abs/extra/myt2xvid3/ b/abs/extra/myt2xvid3/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6bd46ea..0000000
--- a/abs/extra/myt2xvid3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-. /etc/profile
-#su mythtv -c "TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/myth2ipod "$1" "$2" >/tmp/logfile"
-su mythtv -c "TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/myt2xvid3 "$1" "$2" "
-#or to also use commercial flagging cutlist
-#su mythtv -c "TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/myth2ipod -cut "$1" "$2" >/tmp/logfile"
diff --git a/abs/extra/myt2xvid3/myt2xvid3.install b/abs/extra/myt2xvid3/myt2xvid3.install
deleted file mode 100755
index b3767f3..0000000
--- a/abs/extra/myt2xvid3/myt2xvid3.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-pre_install() {
- mkdir -p /myth/video/archive
- chown mythtv:http /myth/video/archive
-pre_upgrade() {
- pre_install
-pre_remove() {
- pre_install
-post_install() {
- . /etc/systemconfig
- ln -s /myth/video/archive /data/srv/httpd/htdocs/archive
- ln -s /myth/video/archive/archive.php /myth/video/archive/index.php
- sed -i -e "s/REPLACEME/$HOSTNAME/g" /usr/bin/myt2xvid3
- chown -R mythtv:http /myth/video/archive
- /usr/bin/myt2xvid3 -rebuild
-post_upgrade() {
- /usr/bin/myt2xvid3 -rebuild
-post_remove() {
- rm -fr /data/srv/http/htdocs/archive
- rm -rf /myth/video/archive/index.php
- rm -rf /myth/video/archive/archive.php
- # don't delete content that the user may still want, so leave /myth/video/archive
-$op $*