path: root/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config-22/
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Diffstat (limited to 'abs/core-testing/LinHES-config-22/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 507 deletions
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config-22/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config-22/
deleted file mode 100755
index b80e4cc..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config-22/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import sys , os, commands , glob, time, re
-import logging
-import mv_common
-import socket, fcntl, struct, array
-import netifaces, iplib
-global etcnetdir
-etcnetdir = "/etc/net/ifaces"
-def setup_MYTH_DHCP(systemconfig):
- default_interface = systemconfig["default_interface"]
- try:
- defaultdhcp = systemconfig["HostUSEDHCP"+default_interface]
- except:
- logging.critical(" *Error occured finding default dhcp")
- defaultdhcp = "0"
- logging.debug(" Using %s as dhcp value for %s", defaultdhcp, default_interface)
- return defaultdhcp
-def all_interfaces():
- max_possible = 128 # arbitrary. raise if needed.
- bytes = max_possible * 32
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- names = array.array('B', '\0' * bytes)
- outbytes = struct.unpack('iL', fcntl.ioctl(
- s.fileno(),
- 0x8912, # SIOCGIFCONF
- struct.pack('iL', bytes, names.buffer_info()[0])
- ))[0]
- namestr = names.tostring()
- return [namestr[i:i+32].split('\0', 1)[0] for i in range(0, outbytes, 32)]
-def get_ip(ifname):
- logging.debug(" Finding ip address for %s", ifname)
- all_if = all_interfaces()
- logging.debug(" found interfaces:%s", all_if)
- if ifname in all_if :
- logging.debug(" Found %s in all_interfaces", ifname)
- else:
- logging.critical("* Couldn't find %s in list", ifname)
- ifname = all_if[0]
- logging.critical("* Using %s for interface name", ifname)
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(
- s.fileno(),
- 0x8915, # SIOCGIFADDR
- struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15])
- )[20:24])
-def get_default_route(iface):
- rcroute = ""
- f = open ('/proc/net/route', 'r')
- for line in f:
- words = string.split (line)
- netiface = words[0]
- route = words[2]
- flags = words[3]
- try:
- if ( netiface == iface ) and ( flags == "0003") :
- route = iplib.IPv4Address(route, notation="hex")
- t = str(route.get_dot())
- s = t.split(".")
- rcroute = s[3] + "." + s[2] + "." + s[1] + "." + s[0]
- break
- except ValueError:
- pass
- return rcroute
-def setup_MYTH_IP(systemconfig):
- default_interface = systemconfig["default_interface"]
- #check for dhcp in use
- if setup_MYTH_DHCP(systemconfig) == "0":
- logging.debug(" dhcp is in use, finding dhcp ip")
- defaultip = get_ip(default_interface)
- else:
- try:
- defaultip = systemconfig["Hostip"+default_interface]
- except:
- logging.debug(" Error occured finding the defaultip")
- defaultip = ""
- logging.debug(" Using %s as default ip", defaultip)
- return defaultip
-def setup_MYTH_GW(systemconfig):
- default_interface = systemconfig["default_interface"]
- #check for dhcp in use
- if setup_MYTH_DHCP(systemconfig) == "0":
- logging.debug(" dhcp is in use, finding dhcp ip")
- defaultgw = get_default_route(default_interface)
- else:
- try:
- defaultgw = systemconfig["Hostgw"+default_interface]
- except:
- logging.debug(" Error occured finding the defaultgw")
- defaultgw = ""
- logging.debug(" Using %s as default gw", defaultgw)
- return defaultgw
-def setup_MTYH_DNS():
- returndns = ""
- try:
- f = open ('/etc/resolv.conf', 'r')
- for line in f:
- if line.startswith("nameserver"):
- print line
- returndns = line.split()[1]
- break
- except:
- logging.debug(" Couldn't open /etc/resolv.conf for myth_dns")
- logging.debug(" using %s for myth_dns", returndns)
- return returndns
-def flush(netdev):
- logging.debug(" Flushing %s",netdev)
- cmd = '''ip address flush dev %s''' %netdev
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
-def kill_dhcp(basedir):
- logging.debug(" _Start of kill_dhcp")
- logging.debug(" Killing off dhcpd")
- stddir = os.getcwd()
- piddir = ("%s/var/run/") %basedir
- try:
- os.chdir(piddir)
- for FILE in glob.glob("dhcpcd-*.pid"):
- f = open(FILE,'r')
- pid = f.readline()
- f.close
- cmd = "kill -9 %s" %pid
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- mv_common.remove_file(FILE)
- os.chdir(stddir)
- except:
- pass
-def setup_nameserver(dns):
-" Adding %s for DNS", dns)
- cmd = '''grep -q %s /etc/resolv.conf''' %dns
- status = mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- if not status == 0 :
- cmd = ''' echo "nameserver %s" >> /etc/resolv.conf ''' %dns
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
-def setup_hostname(systemconfig):
- logging.debug(" _Start of setup_hostname")
- try:
- hostname = systemconfig["hostname"]
- except:
- logging.critical(" *Hostname could not be set")
-" Using default value of me")
- hostname = "me"
-" Setting the hostname to %s", hostname)
- cmd = ''' echo %s > /etc/hostname ''' %hostname
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- cmd = "cat /etc/hosts | grep -v | grep -v %s > /tmp/hosts" %hostname
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- if systemconfig["mythdhcp"] == "1" :
- logging.debug(" not using dhcp")
- cmd = ''' echo localhost > /etc/hosts '''
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- cmd = ''' echo %s %s > /etc/hosts ''' %(systemconfig["mythip"], systemconfig["hostname"])
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- else:
- cmd = ''' echo %s localhost > /etc/hosts ''' %systemconfig["hostname"]
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- cmd = '''cat /tmp/hosts >> /etc/hosts '''
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
-def write_wpafile(line,netdev):
- logging.debug(" writing out wpa_supplicant.conf file")
- logging.debug(line)
- wpafile = etcnetdir+"/"+netdev+"/wpa_supplicant.conf"
- try:
- f = open(wpafile,'w')
- f.write(line)
- f.close()
- except:
- logging.debug(" Couldn't write to %s",wpafile)
-def setup_wpa(netinfo,netdev):
-" %s will use wpa for encryption",netdev)
- line = '''
-#This file was automaticly generated, any changes may be lost
- ssid="%s"
- # Preshared key as an ASCII passphrase
- psk="%s"
- scan_ssid=1
- pairwise=CCMP TKIP
- proto=WPA RSN
-}''' %(netinfo["ESSID"],netinfo["KEY"])
- write_wpafile(line,netdev)
-def setup_wep(netinfo,netdev):
-" %s will use wep for encryption",netdev)
- logging.debug(" When a packet comes along, you must wep it")
- line='''
-#This file was automaticly generated, any changes may be lost
- ssid="%s"
- key_mgmt=NONE
- wep_key0=%s
- wep_tx_keyidx=0
- scan_ssid=1
- auth_alg=SHARED
-''' %(netinfo["ESSID"],netinfo["KEY"])
- write_wpafile(line,netdev)
-def setup_none(netinfo,netdev):
-" %s will not use encryption",netdev)
- line = '''
-#This file was automaticly generated, any changes may be lost
- ssid="%s"
- key_mgmt=NONE
-''' %netinfo["ESSID"]
- write_wpafile(line,netdev)
-def setup_interface(netdev,systemconfig):
- logging.debug(" _Start of setup_interface for %s",netdev)
- nettrans = {'Hostip':'ip',
- 'Hostnetmask':'netmask',
- 'HostActive':'isactive',
- 'HostDNS':'dns',
- 'HostUSEDHCP':'UseDHCP',
- 'HostGW':'GW',
- 'HostMTU':'mtu',
- 'HOST_iswireless':"wireless",
- 'HostESSID':'ESSID',
- 'HostKey':'KEY',
- 'HostUseEncryption':'ENCRYPT'}
- netinfo = {}
- #populate the netinfo dict
- for netitem in nettrans:
- if systemconfig[netitem+netdev]:
- netinfo[nettrans[netitem]] = systemconfig[netitem+netdev]
- else:
- netinfo[nettrans[netitem]] = False
- logging.debug(" %s:%s",netitem,netinfo[nettrans[netitem]])
-" %s wireless: %s", netdev,netinfo["wireless"])
- try:
- os.makedirs(etcnetdir)
- except:
- logging.debug(" Could not create %s",etcnetdir)
- optionfile=etcnetdir+"/"+netdev+"/options"
- if not os.path.exists(optionfile):
- try:
- os.makedirs(etcnetdir+"/"+netdev)
- except:
- pass
- mv_common.cp_and_log(systemconfig["TEMPLATES"]+"/etcnet/eth/options", optionfile)
- if netinfo["isactive"] == "1" :
- change_iface_state(netdev,"enabled")
- else:
- change_iface_state(netdev,"disabled")
- if netinfo["wireless"] == "1" :
-" Enabling wireless extensions")
- cmd = ''' sed -i -e 's/^CONFIG_WIRELESS=.*$/CONFIG_WIRLESS=yes/g' %s/%s/options''' %(etcnetdir,netdev)
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- if netinfo["ENCRYPT"] == "WEP":
- setup_wep(netinfo,netdev)
- elif netinfo["ENCRYPT"] == "WPA":
- setup_wpa(netinfo,netdev)
- elif netinfo["ENCRYPT"] == "none":
- setup_none(netinfo,netdev)
- else:
-" Disabling wireless extensions")
- cmd = '''sed -i -e 's/^CONFIG_WIRLESS=.*$/CONFIG_WIRLESS=no/g' %s/%s/options''' %(etcnetdir, netdev)
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- #try:
- wpafile=etcnetdir+"/"+netdev+"/wpa_supplicant.conf"
- #os.remove(wpafile)
- mv_common.remove_file(wpafile)
- #except:
- #logging.debug(" Couldn't remove %s",wpafile)
- if netinfo["UseDHCP"] == "0" :
-" Enabling DHCP support")
- cmd = ''' sed -i -e 's/^BOOTPROTO=.*$/BOOTPROTO=dhcp/g' %s/%s/options''' %(etcnetdir, netdev)
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- else:
-" Using static ip address of %s",netinfo["ip"])
- cmd = ''' sed -i -e 's/^BOOTPROTO=.*$/BOOTPROTO=static/g' %s/%s/options''' %(etcnetdir, netdev)
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- cmd = '''echo "default via %s" > %s/%s/ipv4route''' %(netinfo["GW"], etcnetdir, netdev)
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- cmd = '''echo "%s%s" > %s/%s/ipv4address ''' %(netinfo["ip"], netinfo["netmask"].split()[0], etcnetdir, netdev)
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- setup_nameserver(netinfo["dns"])
- if netinfo["mtu"] :
-" Setting mtu to %s", netinfo["mtu"])
- cmd = '''sed -i '/^mtu.*$/d' %s/%s/iplink''' %(etcnetdir,netdev)
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- cmd = ''' echo "mtu %s" >> %s/%s/iplink''' %(netinfo["mtu"], etcnetdir,netdev)
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- else:
-" Using default mtu value")
- cmd = '''sed -i '/^mtu.*$/d' %s/%s/iplink''' %(etcnetdir,netdev)
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
-def change_iface_state(netdev, state):
- if state == "enabled":
-" Activating %s", netdev)
- cmd = '''sed -i -e 's/^ONBOOT=.*$/ONBOOT=yes/g' %s/%s/options''' %(etcnetdir,netdev)
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- cmd = '''sed -i -e 's/^DISABLED=.*$/DISABLED=no/g' %s/%s/options ''' %(etcnetdir,netdev)
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- else:
-" Disabling %s", netdev)
- cmd = '''sed -i -e 's/^ONBOOT=.*$/ONBOOT=no/g' %s/%s/options''' %(etcnetdir,netdev)
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- cmd = '''sed -i -e 's/^DISABLED=.*$/DISABLED=yes/g' %s/%s/options ''' %(etcnetdir,netdev)
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig %s down" %netdev
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- cmd = "ip address flush %s" %netdev
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
-def devcheck(netdev):
- cmd = ''' /sbin/ifconfig %s''' %netdev
- rc = mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- if rc == 0 :
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def udev_rules(netdev):
- filename = "/etc/udev/rules.d/net.rules"
- if devcheck(netdev):
-" Finding macaddress for %s",netdev)
- try:
- macaddress = netifaces.ifaddresses(netdev)[netifaces.AF_LINK][0]['addr']
- logging.debug(" Macaddress: %s",macaddress)
- except:
- logging.debug(" Couldn't find mac address for %s",netdev)
- return
- try:
- f = open(filename,'a')
- except:
- logging.debug(" Couldn't open %s for writing", filename)
- return
- if netdev.startswith('eth'):
- line = '''KERNEL=="eth*", SYSFS{address}=="%s", NAME="%s"''' % ( macaddress , netdev)
- elif netdev.startswith('wlan'):
- line = '''KERNEL=="wlan*", SYSFS{address}=="%s", NAME="%s"'''% ( macaddress , netdev)
- elif netdev.startswith('ath'):
- line = '''KERNEL=="ath*", SYSFS{address}=="%s", NAME="%s"''' % ( macaddress , netdev)
- logging.debug(" adding to net.rules ")
- logging.debug(" %s",line)
- f.write(line)
- f.write("\n")
- f.close()
-def find_active(systemconfig,this_is_install):
- interfacelist=('eth0', 'eth1', 'wlan0', 'wlan1', 'ath0')
- logging.debug(" _Start of find_active")
- if systemconfig["mythdhcp"] == "1":
- mv_common.remove_file("/etc/resolv.conf")
- cmd = ''' echo search lan > /etc/resolv.conf '''
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- cmd = ''' echo nameserver >> /etc/resolv.conf '''
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- for netdev in interfacelist:
- if this_is_install:
- udev_rules(netdev)
- currentnet = "HostActive" + netdev
- try:
- systemconfig[currentnet]
- except:
- logging.debug(" %s is not defined",currentnet)
- change_iface_state(netdev, "disabled")
- continue
- if systemconfig[currentnet] == "1" :
- #check if device is present
- if devcheck(netdev) :
- setup_interface(netdev,systemconfig)
- else:
- logging.debug(" Interface %s not found in config", netdev)
- #change_iface_state(netdev, "disabled")
- else:
- change_iface_state(netdev, "disabled")
-def vnc_netboot_check():
- logging.debug(" Start of VNC/NETBOOT check")
- vnc = False
- netboot = False
- try:
- f = open('/proc/cmdline', 'r')
- bootoptions = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- except:
- logging.critical(" *Couldn't open /proc/cmdline")
- logging.debug(" Assuming it's ok to fiddle with the network")
- return True
- bootoptions = bootoptions[0]
- if re.match("vnc",bootoptions) != None :
- logging.debug(" Found VNC option")
- vnc = True
- if re.match("nfsroot",bootoptions) != None :
- logging.debug(" Found netboot option")
- netboot = True
- return (vnc or netboot)
-def start_network():
- if not vnc_netboot_check():
-" Restarting network")
- cmd ="/etc/net/scripts/network.init reload"
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- cmd ="/etc/net/scripts/network.init restart"
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- else:
-" Will not restart network due to netboot/vnc")
-def stop_network():
- if not vnc_netboot_check():
-" Stopping network")
- cmd ="/etc/net/scripts/network.init stop"
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- kill_dhcp("")
- interfacelist=('eth0', 'eth1', 'wlan0', 'wlan1', 'ath0')
- for i in interfacelist:
- flush(i)
- else:
-" Will not stop network due to netboot/vnc")
- pass
-def hostname_change_check(systemconfig):
- restartfe = False
- logging.debug(" _Start of hostname_change_check")
- oldhostname = socket.gethostname()
- #oldhostname = "crap"
- newhostname = systemconfig["hostname"]
- mv_root = systemconfig["MVROOT"]
- logging.debug(" Old hostname: %s", oldhostname)
- logging.debug(" New hostname: %s", newhostname)
- if oldhostname != newhostname :
-" Changing hostname in database to match new hostname")
- cmd ="%s/bin/ -cuhostname -o -h%s" %(mv_root, oldhostname)
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
-" Changing hostname to %s", newhostname)
- cmd = "hostname %s" %newhostname
- mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
- if systemconfig["SystemType"] != "Frontend_only" :
-" Restarting backend")
- mv_common.stop_service("mythbackend")
- mv_common.start_service("mythbackend")
- restartfe = True
- else:
- logging.debug(" old and new hostnames matched, leaving things along")
- logging.debug(" __End of hostname_change_check")
- return restartfe
-def setup_network (systemconfig,this_is_install):
-"____Start of network____")
-" Setting up the network")
- restartfe = hostname_change_check(systemconfig)
- setup_hostname(systemconfig)
- find_active(systemconfig,this_is_install)
- start_network()
-"__End of network\n")
- return restartfe
-##this is used by the install process to start the network
-def install_network_setup(systemconfig):
-"____Start of network_install____")
-" Setting up the network")
- #setup_MYTH_vars
- setup_hostname(systemconfig)
- stop_network()
- find_active(systemconfig)
- start_network()
-"__End of network install \n")