path: root/abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/remote/backend.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/remote/backend.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/remote/backend.php b/abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/remote/backend.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 530d220..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/remote/backend.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# Original code (c) 2006 Mike Poublon <>
-# Enhancements (c) 2006 Steven Ellis <> and
-# (c) 2006 Mike Poublon <>
-#change the line below that has localhost pointing to the address of your frontend.
-$HOSTNAME = "localhost";
-$submit = $_POST['submit'];
-#workaround for IE's image button wierdness
-if ( $submit == "" )
- $submit = $_POST['buttonvalue'];
-#if we aren't being posted to, then don't do anything useful
-if ( $submit == "" )
- echo "Sorry, this file is meant to be called by one of the frontend ";
- echo "pages, please try using one of them instead.";
- exit();
-# We set jump when we want to perform more complex commands
-if ($submit == "Power"){
- #Power - not really used yet
- $key = "";
-} else if ($submit == "TV"){
- $jump = "livetv";
-} else if ($submit == "Music"){
- $jump = "playmusic";
-} else if ($submit == "Video"){
- $jump = "mythvideo";
-} else if ($submit == "Recordings"){
- $jump = "playbackrecordings";
-} else if ($submit == "Guide"){
- $jump = "programguide";
-} else if ($submit == "Pictures"){
- $jump = "mythgallery";
-} else if ($submit == "Back") {
- $key = "escape";
-} else if ($submit == "Info") {
- $key = "i";
-} else if ($submit == "Menu") {
- #Menu
- $key = "m";
-} else if ($submit == "U") {
- $key = "up";
-} else if ($submit == "L") {
- $key = "left";
-} else if ($submit == "D") {
- $key = "down";
-} else if ($submit == "R") {
- $key = "right";
-} else if ($submit == "OK") {
- $key = "enter";
-} else if ($submit == "Page Up") {
- $key = "pageup";
-} else if ($submit == "Page Dn") {
- $key = "pagedown";
-} else if ($submit == "Vol Up") {
- $key = "bracketright";
-} else if ($submit == "Vol Dn") {
- $key = "bracketleft";
-} else if ($submit == "Mute") {
- $key = "f9";
-} else if ($submit == "Pause") {
- $key = "p";
-} else if ($submit == "Stop") {
- $key = "s";
-} else if ($submit == "Play") {
- $key = "p";
-} else if ($submit == "Rec") {
- $key = "r";
-} else if ($submit == "<<") {
- $key = "left";
-} else if ($submit == ">>") {
- $key = "right";
-} else if ($submit == "|<") {
- #skip commercial back
- $key = "q";
-} else if ($submit == ">|") {
- #skip commercial
- $key = "z";
-# Special keys used by myPVR
-} else if ($submit == "#") {
- # Change tuner
- $key = "y";
-} else if ($submit == "*") {
- #skip commercial
- $key = "z";
-} else if ($submit == "0" ||
- $submit == "1" ||
- $submit == "2" ||
- $submit == "3" ||
- $submit == "4" ||
- $submit == "5" ||
- $submit == "6" ||
- $submit == "7" ||
- $submit == "8" ||
- $submit == "9" ) {
- $key = $submit;
-#set the maximum time to execute the page
-set_time_limit (5);
-#open the socket to the frontend
-$fp = fsockopen($HOSTNAME, 6546, $errno, $errstr, 30);
-if (!$fp) {
- #couldn't connect, print the error
- echo "ERROR: $errstr ($errno)<br />\n";
- exit();
-} else {
- #set up a place for the banner to get read into
- $banner = "";
- #read through the banner, one char at a time and append
- #to the banner string until we see a '#'
- $c = fgetc($fp);
- while ($c !== false && $c != "#")
- {
- $banner .= $c;
- $c = fgetc($fp);
- }
- if ($c !== false)
- {
- #if the connection is still valid then read
- #in the extra space after the #
- $c = fgetc($fp);
- }
- #create the command to issue to the frontend based
- #on what the user clicked on
- if ($jump != "") {
- $cmd = "jump $jump\x0d\x0a";
- $jump="";
- } else {
- $cmd = "key $key\x0d\x0a";
- }
- #write the command to the socket
- fwrite($fp,$cmd);
- #close the socket
- fclose($fp);
- #get the specified page to redirect to
- $redirectpage = $_POST['redirectpage'];
- if ( $redirectpage == "" )
- {
- #use the refering page if all else fails
- $redirectpage = getenv('HTTP_REFERER');
- }
- #redirect to the desired location
- header( "Location: $redirectpage" );