path: root/abs/core/mythinstall/MythVantage-app/mythinstall/settings.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'abs/core/mythinstall/MythVantage-app/mythinstall/settings.h')
1 files changed, 835 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/abs/core/mythinstall/MythVantage-app/mythinstall/settings.h b/abs/core/mythinstall/MythVantage-app/mythinstall/settings.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2df5dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/mythinstall/MythVantage-app/mythinstall/settings.h
@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
+// -*- Mode: c++ -*-
+#ifndef SETTINGS_H
+#define SETTINGS_H
+// C++ headers
+#include <vector>
+// Qt headers
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QDate>
+#include <QTime>
+// MythTV headers
+#include "mythexp.h"
+#include "mythwidgets.h"
+#include "mythstorage.h"
+class QWidget;
+class ConfigurationGroup;
+class QDir;
+class Setting;
+class MPUBLIC Configurable : public QObject
+ public:
+ /// Create and return a QWidget for configuring this entity
+ /// Note: Any class calling this should call widgetInvalid()
+ /// before configWidget() is called on the class again,
+ /// and before the class is deleted; just before removing
+ /// the instance from a layout or scheduling the delete
+ /// of a parent container is a good time. Some UI classes
+ /// depend on this for properly updating the UI.
+ virtual QWidget *configWidget(ConfigurationGroup *cg, QWidget *parent,
+ const char *widgetName = NULL);
+ /// Tell any Configurable keeping a pointer to a widget,
+ /// that the pointer returned by an earlier configWidget
+ /// call is invalid.
+ /// Note: It is possible that this may be called after
+ /// configWidget() has been called another time
+ /// so you must check the pointer param.
+ virtual void widgetInvalid(QObject*) { }
+ // A name for looking up the setting
+ void setName(const QString &str)
+ {
+ configName = str;
+ if (label.isEmpty())
+ setLabel(str);
+ }
+ QString getName(void) const { return configName; }
+ virtual Setting *byName(const QString &name) = 0;
+ // A label displayed to the user
+ virtual void setLabel(QString str) { label = str; }
+ QString getLabel(void) const { return label; }
+ void setLabelAboveWidget(bool l = true) { labelAboveWidget = l; }
+ virtual void setHelpText(const QString &str)
+ { helptext = str; }
+ QString getHelpText(void) const { return helptext; }
+ void setVisible(bool b) { visible = b; };
+ bool isVisible(void) const { return visible; };
+ virtual void setEnabled(bool b) { enabled = b; }
+ bool isEnabled() { return enabled; }
+ Storage *GetStorage(void) { return storage; }
+ public slots:
+ virtual void enableOnSet(const QString &val);
+ virtual void enableOnUnset(const QString &val);
+ virtual void widgetDeleted(QObject *obj);
+ protected:
+ explicit Configurable(Storage *_storage) :
+ labelAboveWidget(false), enabled(true), storage(_storage),
+ configName(""), label(""), helptext(""), visible(true) { }
+ virtual ~Configurable() { }
+ protected:
+ bool labelAboveWidget;
+ bool enabled;
+ Storage *storage;
+ QString configName;
+ QString label;
+ QString helptext;
+ bool visible;
+class MPUBLIC Setting : public Configurable, public StorageUser
+ public:
+ // Gets
+ virtual QString getValue(void) const;
+ // non-const Gets
+ virtual Setting *byName(const QString &name)
+ { return (name == configName) ? this : NULL; }
+ // StorageUser
+ void SetDBValue(const QString &val) { setValue(val); }
+ QString GetDBValue(void) const { return getValue(); }
+ public slots:
+ virtual void setValue(const QString &newValue);
+ signals:
+ void valueChanged(const QString&);
+ protected:
+ explicit Setting(Storage *_storage) : Configurable(_storage) {};
+ virtual ~Setting() {};
+ protected:
+ QString settingValue;
+// Read-only display of a setting
+class MPUBLIC LabelSetting : public Setting
+ protected:
+ explicit LabelSetting(Storage *_storage) : Setting(_storage) { }
+ public:
+ virtual QWidget *configWidget(ConfigurationGroup *cg, QWidget *parent,
+ const char *widgetName = NULL);
+class MPUBLIC LineEditSetting : public Setting
+ protected:
+ LineEditSetting(Storage *_storage, bool readwrite = true) :
+ Setting(_storage), bxwidget(NULL), edit(NULL),
+ rw(readwrite), password_echo(false) { }
+ public:
+ virtual QWidget *configWidget(ConfigurationGroup *cg, QWidget *parent,
+ const char *widgetName = NULL);
+ virtual void widgetInvalid(QObject *obj);
+ void setRW(bool readwrite = true)
+ {
+ rw = readwrite;
+ if (edit)
+ edit->setRW(rw);
+ }
+ void setRO(void) { setRW(false); }
+ virtual void setEnabled(bool b);
+ virtual void setVisible(bool b);
+ virtual void SetPasswordEcho(bool b);
+ virtual void setHelpText(const QString &str);
+ private:
+ QWidget *bxwidget;
+ MythLineEdit *edit;
+ bool rw;
+ bool password_echo;
+// TODO: set things up so that setting the value as a string emits
+// the int signal also
+class MPUBLIC IntegerSetting : public Setting
+ protected:
+ explicit IntegerSetting(Storage *_storage) : Setting(_storage)
+ {
+ settingValue = QString::number(0);
+ }
+ public:
+ int intValue(void) const { return settingValue.toInt(); }
+ public slots:
+ virtual void setValue(int newValue)
+ {
+ Setting::setValue(QString::number(newValue));
+ emit valueChanged(newValue);
+ }
+ virtual void setValue(const QString &nv) { setValue(nv.toInt()); }
+ signals:
+ void valueChanged(int newValue);
+class MPUBLIC BoundedIntegerSetting : public IntegerSetting
+ protected:
+ BoundedIntegerSetting(Storage *_storage, int _min, int _max, int _step) :
+ IntegerSetting(_storage), min(_min), max(_max), step(_step) { }
+ public:
+ virtual void setValue(int newValue);
+ virtual void setValue(const QString &nv) { setValue(nv.toInt()); }
+ protected:
+ int min;
+ int max;
+ int step;
+class MPUBLIC SliderSetting: public BoundedIntegerSetting
+ protected:
+ SliderSetting(Storage *_storage, int min, int max, int step) :
+ BoundedIntegerSetting(_storage, min, max, step) { }
+ public:
+ virtual QWidget *configWidget(ConfigurationGroup *cg, QWidget *parent,
+ const char *widgetName = NULL);
+class MPUBLIC SpinBoxSetting: public BoundedIntegerSetting
+ public:
+ SpinBoxSetting(Storage *_storage, int min, int max, int step,
+ bool allow_single_step = false,
+ QString special_value_text = "");
+ virtual QWidget *configWidget(ConfigurationGroup *cg, QWidget *parent,
+ const char *widgetName = NULL);
+ virtual void widgetInvalid(QObject *obj);
+ void setFocus(void);
+ void clearFocus(void);
+ bool hasFocus(void) const;
+ void SetRelayEnabled(bool enabled) { relayEnabled = enabled; }
+ bool IsRelayEnabled(void) const { return relayEnabled; }
+ virtual void setHelpText(const QString &str);
+ public slots:
+ virtual void setValue(int newValue);
+ virtual void setValue(const QString &nv) { setValue(nv.toInt()); }
+ signals:
+ void valueChanged(const QString &name, int newValue);
+ private slots:
+ void relayValueChanged(int newValue);
+ private:
+ QWidget *bxwidget;
+ MythSpinBox *spinbox;
+ bool relayEnabled;
+ bool sstep;
+ QString svtext;
+class MPUBLIC SelectSetting : public Setting
+ protected:
+ explicit SelectSetting(Storage *_storage) :
+ Setting(_storage), current(0), isSet(false) { }
+ public:
+ virtual int findSelection( const QString &label,
+ QString value = QString::null) const;
+ virtual void addSelection( const QString &label,
+ QString value = QString::null,
+ bool select = false);
+ virtual bool removeSelection(const QString &label,
+ QString value = QString::null);
+ virtual void clearSelections(void);
+ virtual void fillSelectionsFromDir(const QDir &dir, bool absPath=true);
+ virtual uint size(void) const { return labels.size(); }
+ virtual QString GetLabel(uint i) const
+ { return (i < labels.size()) ? labels[i] : QString::null; }
+ virtual QString GetValue(uint i) const
+ { return (i < values.size()) ? values[i] : QString::null; }
+ signals:
+ void selectionAdded(const QString &label, QString value);
+ void selectionRemoved(const QString &label, const QString &value);
+ void selectionsCleared(void);
+ public slots:
+ virtual void setValue(const QString &newValue);
+ virtual void setValue(int which);
+ virtual QString getSelectionLabel(void) const;
+ virtual int getValueIndex(QString value);
+ protected:
+ virtual bool ReplaceLabel(
+ const QString &new_label, const QString &value);
+ typedef std::vector<QString> selectionList;
+ selectionList labels;
+ selectionList values;
+ unsigned current;
+ bool isSet;
+class MPUBLIC SelectLabelSetting : public SelectSetting
+ protected:
+ explicit SelectLabelSetting(Storage *_storage) : SelectSetting(_storage) { }
+ public:
+ virtual QWidget *configWidget(ConfigurationGroup *cg, QWidget *parent,
+ const char *widgetName = NULL);
+class MPUBLIC ComboBoxSetting: public SelectSetting
+ protected:
+ ComboBoxSetting(Storage *_storage, bool _rw = false, int _step = 1) :
+ SelectSetting(_storage), rw(_rw),
+ bxwidget(NULL), cbwidget(NULL), step(_step) { }
+ public:
+ virtual QWidget *configWidget(ConfigurationGroup *cg, QWidget *parent,
+ const char *widgetName = NULL);
+ virtual void widgetInvalid(QObject *obj);
+ void setFocus(void) { if (cbwidget) cbwidget->setFocus(); }
+ void resetMaxCount(int count)
+ { if (cbwidget) cbwidget->setMaxCount(count + rw); }
+ virtual void setEnabled(bool b);
+ virtual void setVisible(bool b);
+ virtual void setHelpText(const QString &str);
+ public slots:
+ virtual void SetDBValue(const QString &newValue)
+ { SelectSetting::setValue(newValue); }
+ virtual void setValue(const QString &newValue);
+ virtual void setValue(int which);
+ void addSelection(const QString &label,
+ QString value = QString::null,
+ bool select = false);
+ bool removeSelection(const QString &label,
+ QString value = QString::null);
+ void editTextChanged(const QString &newText);
+ private:
+ bool rw;
+ QWidget *bxwidget;
+ MythComboBox *cbwidget;
+ protected:
+ int step;
+class MPUBLIC ListBoxSetting: public SelectSetting
+ public:
+ explicit ListBoxSetting(Storage *_storage) :
+ SelectSetting(_storage),
+ bxwidget(NULL), lbwidget(NULL), eventFilter(NULL),
+ selectionMode(MythListBox::SingleSelection) { }
+ virtual QWidget *configWidget(ConfigurationGroup *cg, QWidget *parent,
+ const char *widgetName = NULL);
+ virtual void widgetInvalid(QObject *obj);
+ void setFocus(void)
+ { if (lbwidget) lbwidget->setFocus(); }
+ void setSelectionMode(MythListBox::SelectionMode mode);
+ void setCurrentItem(int i)
+ { if (lbwidget) lbwidget->setCurrentRow(i); }
+ void setCurrentItem(const QString &str)
+ { if (lbwidget) lbwidget->setCurrentItem(str, true, false); }
+ int currentItem(void)
+ { return (lbwidget) ? lbwidget->currentRow() : -1; }
+ virtual void setEnabled(bool b);
+ virtual void clearSelections(void);
+ virtual void setHelpText(const QString &str);
+ virtual void SetEventFilter(QObject *filter) { eventFilter = filter; }
+ virtual bool ReplaceLabel(
+ const QString &new_label, const QString &value);
+ signals:
+ void accepted(int);
+ void menuButtonPressed(int);
+ void editButtonPressed(int);
+ void deleteButtonPressed(int);
+ public slots:
+ void addSelection(const QString &label,
+ QString value = QString::null,
+ bool select = false);
+ void setValueByIndex(int index);
+ protected:
+ QWidget *bxwidget;
+ MythListBox *lbwidget;
+ QObject *eventFilter;
+ MythListBox::SelectionMode selectionMode;
+class MPUBLIC BooleanSetting : public Setting
+ public:
+ explicit BooleanSetting(Storage *_storage) : Setting(_storage) {}
+ bool boolValue(void) const { return getValue().toInt(); }
+ public slots:
+ virtual void setValue(bool check)
+ {
+ if (check)
+ Setting::setValue("1");
+ else
+ Setting::setValue("0");
+ emit valueChanged(check);
+ };
+ virtual void setValue(const QString &newValue)
+ {
+ setValue((newValue=="1" ||
+ newValue.toLower().startsWith("y") ||
+ newValue.toLower().startsWith("t")));
+ }
+ signals:
+ void valueChanged(bool);
+class MPUBLIC CheckBoxSetting: public BooleanSetting
+ public:
+ explicit CheckBoxSetting(Storage *_storage) :
+ BooleanSetting(_storage), widget(NULL) { }
+ virtual QWidget *configWidget(ConfigurationGroup *cg, QWidget *parent,
+ const char *widgetName = NULL);
+ virtual void widgetInvalid(QObject*);
+ virtual void setVisible(bool b);
+ virtual void setLabel(QString str);
+ virtual void setEnabled(bool b);
+ virtual void setHelpText(const QString &str);
+ protected:
+ MythCheckBox *widget;
+class MPUBLIC PathSetting : public ComboBoxSetting
+ public:
+ PathSetting(Storage *_storage, bool _mustexist):
+ ComboBoxSetting(_storage, true), mustexist(_mustexist) { }
+ // TODO: this should support globbing of some sort
+ virtual void addSelection(const QString &label,
+ QString value=QString::null,
+ bool select=false);
+ // Use a combobox for now, maybe a modified file dialog later
+ //virtual QWidget *configWidget(ConfigurationGroup *cg, QWidget *parent,
+ // const char *widgetName = NULL);
+ protected:
+ bool mustexist;
+class MPUBLIC HostnameSetting : public Setting
+ public:
+ explicit HostnameSetting(Storage *_storage);
+class MPUBLIC ChannelSetting : public SelectSetting
+ public:
+ explicit ChannelSetting(Storage *_storage) : SelectSetting(_storage)
+ {
+ setLabel("Channel");
+ };
+ static void fillSelections(SelectSetting *setting);
+ virtual void fillSelections(void) { fillSelections(this); }
+class MPUBLIC DateSetting : public Setting
+ public:
+ explicit DateSetting(Storage *_storage) : Setting(_storage) { }
+ QString getValue(void) const;
+ QDate dateValue(void) const;
+ public slots:
+ void setValue(const QDate &newValue);
+ void setValue(const QString &newValue);
+class MPUBLIC TimeSetting : public Setting
+ public:
+ explicit TimeSetting(Storage *_storage) : Setting(_storage) { }
+ QTime timeValue(void) const;
+ public slots:
+ void setValue(const QTime &newValue);
+ void setValue(const QString &newValue);
+class MPUBLIC AutoIncrementDBSetting :
+ public IntegerSetting, public DBStorage
+ public:
+ AutoIncrementDBSetting(QString _table, QString _column) :
+ IntegerSetting(this), DBStorage(this, _table, _column)
+ {
+ setValue(0);
+ }
+ virtual void Load(void) { }
+ virtual void Save(void);
+ virtual void Save(QString destination);
+class MPUBLIC ButtonSetting: public Setting
+ public:
+ ButtonSetting(Storage *_storage, QString _name = "button") :
+ Setting(_storage), name(_name), button(NULL) { }
+ virtual QWidget *configWidget(ConfigurationGroup *cg, QWidget *parent,
+ const char *widgetName=0);
+ virtual void widgetInvalid(QObject *obj);
+ virtual void setEnabled(bool b);
+ virtual void setLabel(QString);
+ virtual void setHelpText(const QString &);
+ signals:
+ void pressed(void);
+ void pressed(QString name);
+ protected slots:
+ void SendPressedString();
+ protected:
+ QString name;
+ MythPushButton *button;
+class MPUBLIC ProgressSetting : public IntegerSetting
+ public:
+ ProgressSetting(Storage *_storage, int _totalSteps) :
+ IntegerSetting(_storage), totalSteps(_totalSteps) { }
+ QWidget *configWidget(ConfigurationGroup *cg, QWidget *parent,
+ const char *widgetName = NULL);
+ private:
+ int totalSteps;
+class MPUBLIC TransButtonSetting :
+ public ButtonSetting, public TransientStorage
+ public:
+ explicit TransButtonSetting(QString name = "button") :
+ ButtonSetting(this, name), TransientStorage() { }
+class MPUBLIC TransLabelSetting :
+ public LabelSetting, public TransientStorage
+ public:
+ TransLabelSetting() : LabelSetting(this), TransientStorage() { }
+class MPUBLIC TransLineEditSetting :
+ public LineEditSetting, public TransientStorage
+ public:
+ explicit TransLineEditSetting(bool rw = true) :
+ LineEditSetting(this, rw), TransientStorage() { }
+class MPUBLIC TransCheckBoxSetting :
+ public CheckBoxSetting, public TransientStorage
+ public:
+ TransCheckBoxSetting() : CheckBoxSetting(this), TransientStorage() { }
+class MPUBLIC TransComboBoxSetting :
+ public ComboBoxSetting, public TransientStorage
+ public:
+ TransComboBoxSetting(bool rw = false, int _step = 1) :
+ ComboBoxSetting(this, rw, _step), TransientStorage() { }
+class MPUBLIC TransSpinBoxSetting :
+ public SpinBoxSetting, public TransientStorage
+ public:
+ TransSpinBoxSetting(int minv, int maxv, int step,
+ bool allow_single_step = false,
+ QString special_value_text = "") :
+ SpinBoxSetting(this, minv, maxv, step,
+ allow_single_step, special_value_text) { }
+class MPUBLIC TransListBoxSetting :
+ public ListBoxSetting, public TransientStorage
+ public:
+ TransListBoxSetting() : ListBoxSetting(this), TransientStorage() { }
+class MPUBLIC HostSlider : public SliderSetting, public HostDBStorage
+ public:
+ HostSlider(const QString &name, int min, int max, int step) :
+ SliderSetting(this, min, max, step),
+ HostDBStorage(this, name) { }
+class MPUBLIC HostSpinBox: public SpinBoxSetting, public HostDBStorage
+ public:
+ HostSpinBox(const QString &name, int min, int max, int step,
+ bool allow_single_step = false) :
+ SpinBoxSetting(this, min, max, step, allow_single_step),
+ HostDBStorage(this, name) { }
+class MPUBLIC HostCheckBox : public CheckBoxSetting, public HostDBStorage
+ public:
+ explicit HostCheckBox(const QString &name) :
+ CheckBoxSetting(this), HostDBStorage(this, name) { }
+ virtual ~HostCheckBox() { ; }
+class MPUBLIC HostComboBox : public ComboBoxSetting, public HostDBStorage
+ public:
+ HostComboBox(const QString &name, bool rw = false) :
+ ComboBoxSetting(this, rw), HostDBStorage(this, name) { }
+ virtual ~HostComboBox() { ; }
+class MPUBLIC HostRefreshRateComboBox : public HostComboBox
+ public:
+ HostRefreshRateComboBox(const QString &name, bool rw = false) :
+ HostComboBox(name, rw) { }
+ virtual ~HostRefreshRateComboBox() { ; }
+ public slots:
+ virtual void ChangeResolution(const QString &resolution);
+ private:
+ static const std::vector<double> GetRefreshRates(const QString &resolution);
+class MPUBLIC HostTimeBox : public ComboBoxSetting, public HostDBStorage
+ public:
+ HostTimeBox(const QString &name, const QString &defaultTime = "00:00",
+ const int interval = 1) :
+ ComboBoxSetting(this, false, 30 / interval),
+ HostDBStorage(this, name)
+ {
+ int hour;
+ int minute;
+ QString timeStr;
+ for (hour = 0; hour < 24; hour++)
+ {
+ for (minute = 0; minute < 60; minute += interval)
+ {
+ timeStr = timeStr.sprintf("%02d:%02d", hour, minute);
+ addSelection(timeStr, timeStr,
+ timeStr == defaultTime);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class MPUBLIC HostLineEdit: public LineEditSetting, public HostDBStorage
+ public:
+ HostLineEdit(const QString &name, bool rw = true) :
+ LineEditSetting(this, rw), HostDBStorage(this, name) { }
+class MPUBLIC GlobalSlider : public SliderSetting, public GlobalDBStorage
+ public:
+ GlobalSlider(const QString &name, int min, int max, int step) :
+ SliderSetting(this, min, max, step), GlobalDBStorage(this, name) { }
+class MPUBLIC GlobalSpinBox : public SpinBoxSetting, public GlobalDBStorage
+ public:
+ GlobalSpinBox(const QString &name, int min, int max, int step,
+ bool allow_single_step = false) :
+ SpinBoxSetting(this, min, max, step, allow_single_step),
+ GlobalDBStorage(this, name) { }
+class MPUBLIC GlobalCheckBox : public CheckBoxSetting, public GlobalDBStorage
+ public:
+ explicit GlobalCheckBox(const QString &name) :
+ CheckBoxSetting(this), GlobalDBStorage(this, name) { }
+class MPUBLIC GlobalComboBox : public ComboBoxSetting, public GlobalDBStorage
+ public:
+ GlobalComboBox(const QString &name, bool rw = false) :
+ ComboBoxSetting(this, rw), GlobalDBStorage(this, name) { }
+class MPUBLIC GlobalLineEdit : public LineEditSetting, public GlobalDBStorage
+ public:
+ GlobalLineEdit(const QString &name, bool rw = true) :
+ LineEditSetting(this, rw), GlobalDBStorage(this, name) { }
+class MPUBLIC GlobalTimeBox : public ComboBoxSetting, public GlobalDBStorage
+ public:
+ GlobalTimeBox(const QString &name, const QString &defaultTime = "00:00",
+ const int interval = 1) :
+ ComboBoxSetting(this, false, 30 / interval),
+ GlobalDBStorage(this, name)
+ {
+ int hour;
+ int minute;
+ QString timeStr;
+ for (hour = 0; hour < 24; hour++)
+ {
+ for (minute = 0; minute < 60; minute += interval)
+ {
+ timeStr = timeStr.sprintf("%02d:%02d", hour, minute);
+ addSelection(timeStr, timeStr,
+ timeStr == defaultTime);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#include "mythconfigdialogs.h"
+#include "mythconfiggroups.h"
+#endif // MYTHCONFIG
+#endif // SETTINGS_H