path: root/abs/mv-core/ghosd/ghosd-0.0.1/examples/example-shared.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'abs/mv-core/ghosd/ghosd-0.0.1/examples/example-shared.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/abs/mv-core/ghosd/ghosd-0.0.1/examples/example-shared.c b/abs/mv-core/ghosd/ghosd-0.0.1/examples/example-shared.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fb4b7d4..0000000
--- a/abs/mv-core/ghosd/ghosd-0.0.1/examples/example-shared.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/* ghosd -- OSD with fake transparency, cairo, and pango.
- * Copyright (C) 2006 Evan Martin <>
- */
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ghosd/ghosd.h>
-#include "example-shared.h"
-ExampleOptions opts = {
- 50, -50
-example_options_parse(int *argc, char ***argv, ...) {
- GOptionEntry options[] = {
- (gpointer)&opts.transparent, "turn off transparent background" },
- { "x", 'x', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, (gpointer)&opts.x,
- "x coordinate for window" },
- { "y", 'y', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, (gpointer)&opts.y,
- "y coordinate for window" },
- { NULL }
- };
- GOptionContext *ctx;
- GOptionGroup *group;
- gboolean ret;
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, argv);
- ctx = g_option_context_new("");
- g_option_context_add_main_entries(ctx, options, "bar");
- while ((group = va_arg(ap, GOptionGroup*)) != NULL) {
- g_option_context_add_group(ctx, group);
- }
- va_end(ap);
- g_option_context_set_ignore_unknown_options(ctx, FALSE);
- ret = g_option_context_parse(ctx, argc, argv, NULL);
- g_option_context_free(ctx);
- if (opts.x == 0) opts.x = GHOSD_COORD_CENTER;
- if (opts.y == 0) opts.y = GHOSD_COORD_CENTER;
- return ret;
-example_round_rect(cairo_t *cr, int x, int y, int w, int h, int r) {
- cairo_move_to(cr, x+r, y);
- cairo_line_to(cr, x+w-r, y); /* top edge */
- cairo_curve_to(cr, x+w, y, x+w, y, x+w, y+r);
- cairo_line_to(cr, x+w, y+h-r); /* right edge */
- cairo_curve_to(cr, x+w, y+h, x+w, y+h, x+w-r, y+h);
- cairo_line_to(cr, x+r, y+h); /* bottom edge */
- cairo_curve_to(cr, x, y+h, x, y+h, x, y+h-r);
- cairo_line_to(cr, x, y+r); /* left edge */
- cairo_curve_to(cr, x, y, x, y, x+r, y);
- cairo_close_path(cr);
-/* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et cino=(0 : */