path: root/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2009-01-12Fixed UUID detection for upgrades when /myth is NOT partition 3James Meyer1-1/+1
2009-01-04Add more useful debugging output.James Meyer1-3/+5
2008-12-14if /myth/backup/mythconverg.sql is not present check for the file in /root/ba...James Meyer1-4/+4
2008-12-14REF fs#50James Meyer1-1/+0
2008-11-15Check if the restore file for mythconverg is present.James Meyer1-4/+11
2008-11-11move mysql ,lighttpd docroot to /data/srvJames Meyer1-2/+2
2008-11-08rename live-installer to LinHES-configJames Meyer1-0/+53