path: root/abs/core/runit-scripts/runitscripts/1
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2015-01-17runit-scripts: handle bootlogd in 1 and improve plymouth in 3Britney Fransen1-0/+6
2014-04-05runit-scripts: fix frontend respawn by shutting down all services in 3. refs ...Britney Fransen1-11/+18
2012-12-17runit-scripts: removed ldm, adding udevil. Also added log_care to 1 so tha...James Meyer1-0/+8
2012-12-09runit-scripts: attempting to integrate plymouth a bit better. Mostly minor ...James Meyer1-2/+12
2012-08-23runitscripts: 1 ensure that /etc/systemconfig has the correct permissions. ...James Meyer1-1/+4
2011-12-27runit-scripts: add setfacl to runit 1 for /etc/systemconfig. This will ensu...James Meyer1-0/+2
2011-08-18runit-scripts: add mkdir -p /var/lock/subsys to /etc/runit/1 for etcnetMichael Hanson1-0/+1
2010-10-23Removed old core and extra from repo. Renamed -testing to core/extra. This ...James Meyer1-0/+1
2009-09-26LinHES 6.01.00Cecil Hugh Watson1-0/+26