path: root/abs/core/linhes-scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'abs/core/linhes-scripts')
18 files changed, 6 insertions, 1476 deletions
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/PKGBUILD b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/PKGBUILD
index c325101..c5849c0 100644
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/PKGBUILD
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
pkgdesc="Various scripts that help to make LinHES, LinHES."
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('xosd' 'cpulimit' 'screen' 'mencoder' 'tablet-encode' 'mplayer'
- 'normalize' 'handbrake-cli' 'mkvtoolnix' 'perl' 'perl-shell')
+ 'handbrake-cli' 'mkvtoolnix' 'perl' 'perl-shell')
@@ -17,24 +17,15 @@
@@ -44,23 +35,16 @@ myth2fuze
-build() {
+package() {
cd ${srcdir}
install -d ${pkgdir}/usr/LH/bin
install -d ${pkgdir}/usr/LH/etc
- install -D -m755 myth2* *.sh *.pl *.py vdpau* run-* pause_* LinHES* get_airplay_key ${pkgdir}/usr/LH/bin/
+ install -D -m755 myth2* *.sh *.pl vdpau* run-* pause_* LinHES* ${pkgdir}/usr/LH/bin/
install -D -m755 upgrade_screen_rc ${pkgdir}/usr/LH/etc/
mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/etc/sv/pause-mythcommflag/supervise
cp run-pause-mythcommflag ${pkgdir}/etc/sv/pause-mythcommflag/run
@@ -68,7 +52,7 @@ build() {
cp run-limit-mythcommflag ${pkgdir}/etc/sv/limit-mythcommflag/run
mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/etc/logrotate.d/
# cp pause_mythcommflag ${pkgdir}/etc/logrotate.d/
- install -m644 -D pause_mythcommflag $startdir/pkg/etc/logrotate.d/pause_mythcommflag
+ install -m644 -D pause_mythcommflag ${pkgdir}/etc/logrotate.d/pause_mythcommflag
@@ -76,24 +60,15 @@ md5sums=('47a66238d95259d75c9c5cbcbb6da19f'
- '6b6e7d34a4bda6d608d150039adefd07'
- '4a1fda884dcd7d65fb2690fbdbd92a83'
- '410795ef9039e4c6c0484e706ecfd567'
- '95c092f67036a361ef7a57436f44332e'
- '92950f0ffb1faf1ed64c6be2b8fbc3f6'
- 'c3ada01d3a739abe3f920b02d4ea3f6e'
- '9d077c24d102fa02e4f417d639d8b00a'
- '98979920c30bb48c02d00f6943e9e50e'
- '460861e6d0cf999629b734912eea0acf'
@@ -103,13 +78,6 @@ md5sums=('47a66238d95259d75c9c5cbcbb6da19f'
- 'a94fe6d980f4b810f2e2ae5352084b39'
- '34fc1f58ad1eabf4eff4979d420760c0'
- 'cc9cdabcdfc969c2829b58c0e513488c'
- '54a478660d0f8150fe10112a9ecf2740'
- '503df99218373dfc75e7e7f5e449a44e'
- 'b608044c9e7530a400d8f5b88fdfe6e6'
- 'e2e24dd59d5d576cc33feafb329fa302'
- '33fbebbd546672cedd3c5e7350ab414e')
+ 'b608044c9e7530a400d8f5b88fdfe6e6')
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/ b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 187cab1..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sys
-import subprocess as sub
-def should_add_acl(mount_point,fs_map):
- acl_fs_list=["ext3","ext4"]
- rc = False
- for i in fs_map:
- if i[0] == mount_point:
- if i[1] in acl_fs_list:
- rc = True
- return rc
-cmd="cp -f /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup.pre_acl"
-f = open('/etc/fstab', 'r')
-p = sub.Popen(['/sbin/fsck','-N' ],stdout=sub.PIPE,stderr=sub.PIPE)
-output, errors = p.communicate()
-output = output.split("\n")
-for i in output:
- if i.startswith("["):
- split_line=i.split()
- #find mount_p and remove the last char
- mount_p = split_line[3][:-1]
- fstype = split_line[4].split(".")[1]
- append_tuple=(mount_p,fstype)
- fs_map.append(append_tuple)
-mp=['/' , '/myth', '/data']
-for line in fstab:
- new_line=line
- split_line=line.split()
- try:
- if split_line[1] in mp and should_add_acl(split_line[1],fs_map):
- #print split_line[3]
- if "acl" in split_line[3]:
- pass
- else:
- print "Adding ACL"
- new_acl=split_line[3]+",acl"
- split_line[3]=new_acl
- new_line='\t'.join(split_line)
- except:
- pass
- newfstab.append(new_line)
-f = open('/etc/fstab', 'w')
-for i in newfstab:
- f.write(i)
- f.write("\n")
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/ b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index cdc03d4..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2
-from MythTV import MythDB, MythBE, Recorded, MythError
-from socket import timeout
-import os
-import sys
-def human_size(s):
- s = float(s)
- o = 0
- while s > 1000:
- s /= 1000
- o += 1
- return str(round(s,1))+('B ','KB','MB','GB')[o]
-class File( str ):
- def __new__(self, host, group, path, name, size):
- return str.__new__(self, name)
- def __init__(self, host, group, path, name, size):
- = host
- = group
- self.path = path
- self.size = int(size)
- def pprint(self):
- name = u'%s: %s' % (, os.path.join(self.path, self))
- print u' {0:<90}{1:>8}'.format(name, human_size(self.size))
- def delete(self):
- be = MythBE(, db=DB)
- be.deleteFile(self,
-class MyRecorded( Recorded ):
- _table = 'recorded'
- def pprint(self):
- name = u'{0.hostname}: {0.title}'.format(self)
- if self.subtitle:
- name += u' - '+self.subtitle
- print u' {0:<70}{1:>28}'.format(name,self.basename)
-def printrecs(title, recs):
- print title
- for rec in sorted(recs, key=lambda x: x.title):
- rec.pprint()
- print u'{0:>88}{1:>12}'.format('Count:',len(recs))
-def printfiles(title, files):
- print title
- for f in sorted(files, key=lambda x: x.path):
- f.pprint()
- size = sum([f.size for f in files])
- print u'{0:>88}{1:>12}'.format('Total:',human_size(size))
-def populate(host=None):
- unfiltered = []
- kwargs = {'livetv':True}
- if host:
- with DB as c:
- c.execute("""SELECT count(1) FROM settings
- WHERE hostname=%s AND value=%s""",
- (host, 'BackendServerIP'))
- if c.fetchone()[0] == 0:
- raise Exception('Invalid hostname specified on command line.')
- hosts = [host]
- kwargs['hostname'] = host
- else:
- with DB as c:
- c.execute("""SELECT hostname FROM settings
- WHERE value='BackendServerIP'""")
- hosts = [r[0] for r in c.fetchall()]
- for host in hosts:
- for sg in DB.getStorageGroup():
- if sg.groupname in ('Videos','Banners','Coverart',\
- 'Fanart','Screenshots','Trailers'):
- continue
- try:
- dirs,files,sizes = BE.getSGList(host, sg.groupname, sg.dirname)
- for f,s in zip(files,sizes):
- newfile = File(host, sg.groupname, sg.dirname, f, s)
- if newfile not in unfiltered:
- unfiltered.append(newfile)
- except:
- pass
- recs = list(DB.searchRecorded(**kwargs))
- zerorecs = []
- orphvids = []
- for rec in list(recs):
- if rec.basename in unfiltered:
- recs.remove(rec)
- i = unfiltered.index(rec.basename)
- f = unfiltered.pop(i)
- if f.size < 1024:
- zerorecs.append(rec)
- name = rec.basename.rsplit('.',1)[0]
- for f in list(unfiltered):
- if name in f:
- unfiltered.remove(f)
- for f in list(unfiltered):
- if not (f.endswith('.mpg') or f.endswith('.nuv')):
- continue
- orphvids.append(f)
- unfiltered.remove(f)
- orphimgs = []
- for f in list(unfiltered):
- if not f.endswith('.png'):
- continue
- orphimgs.append(f)
- unfiltered.remove(f)
- dbbackup = []
- for f in list(unfiltered):
- if 'sql' not in f:
- continue
- dbbackup.append(f)
- unfiltered.remove(f)
- return (recs, zerorecs, orphvids, orphimgs, dbbackup, unfiltered)
-def delete_recs(recs):
- printrecs('The following recordings will be deleted', recs)
- print 'Are you sure you want to continue?'
- try:
- res = raw_input('> ')
- while True:
- if res == 'yes':
- for rec in recs:
- rec.delete(True, True)
- break
- elif res == 'no':
- break
- else:
- res = raw_input("'yes' or 'no' > ")
- except MythError:
- name = u'{0.hostname}: {0.title}'.format(rec)
- if rec.subtitle:
- name += ' - '+rec.subtitle
- print "Warning: Failed to delete '" + name + "'"
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- except EOFError:
- sys.exit(0)
-def delete_files(files):
- printfiles('The following files will be deleted', files)
- print 'Are you sure you want to continue?'
- try:
- res = raw_input('> ')
- while True:
- if res == 'yes':
- for f in files:
- f.delete()
- break
- elif res == 'no':
- break
- else:
- res = raw_input("'yes' or 'no' > ")
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- except EOFError:
- sys.exit(0)
-def main(host=None):
- while True:
- recs, zerorecs, orphvids, orphimgs, dbbackup, unfiltered = populate(host)
- if len(recs):
- printrecs("Recordings with missing files", recs)
- if len(zerorecs):
- printrecs("Zero byte recordings", zerorecs)
- if len(orphvids):
- printfiles("Orphaned video files", orphvids)
- if len(orphimgs):
- printfiles("Orphaned snapshots", orphimgs)
- if len(dbbackup):
- printfiles("Database backups", dbbackup)
- if len(unfiltered):
- printfiles("Other files", unfiltered)
- if not printOnly:
- opts = []
- if len(recs):
- opts.append(['Delete orphaned recording entries', delete_recs, recs])
- if len(zerorecs):
- opts.append(['Delete zero byte recordings', delete_recs, zerorecs])
- if len(orphvids):
- opts.append(['Delete orphaned video files', delete_files, orphvids])
- if len(orphimgs):
- opts.append(['Delete orphaned snapshots', delete_files, orphimgs])
- if len(unfiltered):
- opts.append(['Delete other files', delete_files, unfiltered])
- opts.append(['Refresh list', None, None])
- print 'Please select from the following'
- for i, opt in enumerate(opts):
- print ' {0}. {1}'.format(i+1, opt[0])
- try:
- inner = True
- res = raw_input('> ')
- while inner:
- try:
- res = int(res)
- except:
- res = raw_input('input number. ctrl-c to exit > ')
- continue
- if (res <= 0) or (res > len(opts)):
- res = raw_input('input number within range > ')
- continue
- break
- opt = opts[res-1]
- if opt[1] is None:
- continue
- else:
- opt[1](opt[2])
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- break
- except EOFError:
- sys.exit(0)
- else:
- sys.exit(0)
-DB = MythDB()
-BE = MythBE(db=DB)
-DB.searchRecorded.handler = MyRecorded
-DB.searchRecorded.dbclass = MyRecorded
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- global printOnly
- if "--printonly" in sys.argv :
- printOnly=True
- else:
- printOnly=False
- if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] != "--printonly":
- main(sys.argv[1])
- else:
- main()
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/get_airplay_key b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/get_airplay_key
deleted file mode 100755
index 89a40dd..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/get_airplay_key
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-. /usr/MythVantage/bin/
-curl > $MYTHHOME/.mythtv/RAOPKey.rsa
-chmod 755 $MYTHHOME/.mythtv/RAOPKey.rsa
-chown mythtv:mythtv $MYTHHOME/.mythtv/RAOPKey.rsa \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/ b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4f6174c..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-usage () {
- echo "Usage: $0 [-h] [-s] [-t <minutes_needed>] [-l] [-w] [-m] [-r] [-v]"
- echo
- echo "-h - Print this help/usage message and quit"
- echo "-s - Run silently (default is verbose)"
- echo "-t - Minutes of idle time needed (default is 20)"
- echo "-l - Check for user logins (default: false - do not check)"
- echo "-w - Check for open windows (default: false - do not check)"
- echo "-m - Include mythshutdown daily wake, locked, & about to start wake in system busy"
- echo " (default: daily wake, locked & about to start wake is system idle)"
- echo "-r - Check if mythfrontends are running (default: false - do not check)"
- echo "-v - Be more verbose for debugging"
- echo
- echo "Silent mode is recommended for use in cron jobs or scripts."
- exit $1
-msg () { # A status reporting function
- [ "$VERBOSE" -ne 0 ] && echo "$*"
-mysql_cmd () {
- /usr/bin/mysql -u root mythconverg -sBe "$*"
-# Command line argument handling
-TIME_AFTER=5 # Only adjustable by editing here
-while getopts "hslwmrt:v" OPT ; do
- case $OPT in
- h) usage 0 ;;
- s) VERBOSE=0 ;;
- l) LOGINS=1 ;;
- w) WINDOWS=1 ;;
- m) DAILY=1 ;;
- r) RUNNING=1 ;;
- v) VERBOSE=2 ;;
- *) usage 1 ;;
- esac
-# Check for extra cruft on the command line...
-shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
-[ -n "$*" ] && usage 1
-msg "Checking what MythTV is doing now or plans to within $TIME_BEFORE minutes..."
-/usr/bin/mythshutdown --status
-msg "mythshutdown returned $BUSY"
-if [ "$DAILY" -eq 0 ] ; then
- msg " including daily wake, locked, and about to start wake as system idle"
- # Ignore daily wake, locked and about to start wake flag values
- BUSY=$(($BUSY & 0x2F))
- msg " mythshutdown returned $BUSY"
-SCHEMALOCK=$(mysql_cmd "select count(*) from schemalock")
-msg "schemalock $SCHEMALOCK"
-JOBS=$(mysql_cmd "select count(*) from jobqueue where status = 4")
-msg "running jobs $JOBS"
-INUSE=$(mysql_cmd "select count(*) from inuseprograms")
-msg "inuse programs $INUSE"
-UPCOMING=$(timeout 3 --plain_text --text_format "%rs " --heading "" --minutes $TIME_BEFORE --recordings -1 | wc -w)
-msg "planned recordings $UPCOMING"
-if [ "$VERBOSE" -ge 2 ] ; then
- msg
- timeout 3 /usr/LH/bin/ --plain_text --minutes $TIME_BEFORE --recordings -1
-# Check all host's mythfrontends if they are running and playing
-HOSTNAMES=$(mysql_cmd "select hostname from settings where value = 'FrontendIdleTimeout'")
- if [ "$VERBOSE" -ge 2 ]; then
- msg "Checking $HOST's mythfrontend status..."
- fi
-ncOUTPUT=$(timeout 2 nc $HOST 6546 << EOF
-query location
- if [ "$RUNNING" -ge 1 ] ; then
- if [[ "$ncOUTPUT" == *"# "* ]]; then
- msg "$HOST's mythfrontend is running $FERUNNING"
- else
- msg "$HOST's mythfrontend is NOT running $FERUNNING"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ "$ncOUTPUT" == *"# Playback "* ]]; then
- PLAYING=$(( $PLAYING + 1 ))
- msg "$HOST is playing a recording or video $PLAYING"
- else
- msg "$HOST is NOT playing a recording or video $PLAYING"
- fi
-# Check for users logged in
-if [ "$LOGINS" -ge 1 ] ; then
- USERS=`/usr/bin/last | /bin/grep "still logged in" | awk '{ print $1 }'`
- if [ -n "$USERS" ] ; then
- msg "The following user(s) are still logged in:"
- msg "${USERS}"
- else
- msg "No users are logged in $LOGINS"
- fi
-# Check for open windows
-if [ "$WINDOWS" -ge 1 ] ; then
- /usr/LH/bin/ -q '.*(mythtv@|xterm|Firefox|Namoroka|Opera|Chromium).*'
- if [ "$FOUNDWINDOWS" -eq 0 ] ; then
- msg "no application windows open $FOUNDWINDOWS"
- else
- msg "one or more application windows open $FOUNDWINDOWS"
- fi
-if [ "$activities" -eq 0 ] ; then
- msg "System is idle"
- exit 0
- msg "System is busy"
- exit 1
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/ b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 84f1ab5..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-export FONT="-adobe-helvetica-bold-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
-DVD_or_CD=`cat /proc/mounts |grep iso9660|awk '{print $2}'|tail -1`
-if [ "$DVD_or_CD" != "" ]; then
- echo "Copying files from $DVD_or_CD to /myth/video." > /tmp/screens
- echo "This could take several minutes, depending on the" >> /tmp/screens
- echo "speed and size of your optical media." >> /tmp/screens
- cat /tmp/screens | osd_cat --font=$FONT --shadow=3 --pos=middle --align=centre --color=yellow --delay=0 &
- /bin/cp -R $DVD_or_CD/* /myth/video/
- killall osd_cat
- echo "Copied videos from $DVD_or_CD to /myth/video" > /tmp/screens
- cat /tmp/screens | osd_cat --font=$FONT --shadow=3 --pos=middle --align=centre --color=yellow --delay=2 &
- echo "No optical media found. If you just inserted" > /tmp/screens
- echo "your media, please wait a moment and try again." >> /tmp/screens
- cat /tmp/screens | osd_cat --font=$FONT --shadow=3 --pos=middle --align=centre --color=yellow --delay=5 &
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/linhes-scripts.install b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/linhes-scripts.install
index d4c9e59..f554bd0 100644
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/linhes-scripts.install
+++ b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/linhes-scripts.install
@@ -2,13 +2,6 @@
post_upgrade() {
. /etc/profile
- if [ "`vercmp $2 7-24`" -lt 0 ]
- then
- echo "Applying ACL fix and remounting /"
- /usr/LH/bin/
- mount -o remount /
- fi
# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/ b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index e5dd2ad..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-. /etc/osd_cat.cfg || {
- color=yellow
- outline=2
- outlinecolour=black
- shadow=0
- shadowcolour=black
- font="-adobe-helvetica-bold-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
-dsply () {
- if grep -q Updates\ Available /usr/share/mythtv/themes/defaultmenu/linhes.xml
- then
- killall -9 osd_cat
- echo -e "\nUpdates available!\nExit and re-enter Service Menu\n to install the updates." | osd_cat --pos=middle --align=center --delay=5 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
- echo -e "\nUpdates available!\nExit and re-enter Service Menu\n to install the updates." | osd_cat --pos=middle --align=center --delay=5 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
- exit
- else
- killall -9 osd_cat
- echo -e "Checking for updates..." | osd_cat --pos=middle --align=center --delay=300 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
- echo -e "Checking for updates..." | osd_cat --pos=middle --align=center --delay=300 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
- fi
-chck () {
- sudo pacman -Sy
- sudo pacman -Qu > /tmp/to_be_upgraded
- if [[ ! -s /tmp/to_be_upgraded ]]
- then
- killall -9 osd_cat
- echo -e "\nNo updates available." | osd_cat --pos=middle --align=center --delay=5 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
- echo -e "\nNo updates available." | osd_cat --pos=middle --align=center --delay=5 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
- else
- mv /usr/share/mythtv/themes/defaultmenu/linhes.xml /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- sed -e '/\#Check/,/\#Check/d' < /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp > /usr/share/mythtv/themes/defaultmenu/linhes.xml
- mv /usr/share/mythtv/themes/defaultmenu/linhes.xml /tmp
- grep -v -e /mythmenu /tmp/linhes.xml > /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo "<!--#UpdatesAvailable-->" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo " <button>" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo " <type>UPGRADE</type>" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo " <text>Updates Available</text>" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo " <action>MENU update2.xml</action>" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo " </button>" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo "<!--#UpdatesAvailable-->" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo "</mythmenu>" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- mv /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp /usr/share/mythtv/themes/defaultmenu/linhes.xml
- echo "<mythmenu name=\"LinHES\">" > /tmp/update3.xml.tmp
- if grep kernel26 /tmp/to_be_upgraded || grep nvidia /tmp/to_be_upgraded
- then
- echo "" >> /tmp/update3.xml.tmp
- echo " <button>" >> /tmp/update3.xml.tmp
- echo " <type>UPGRADE</type>" >> /tmp/update3.xml.tmp
- echo " <text>REBOOT REQUIRED</text>" >> /tmp/update3.xml.tmp
- echo " <action>NONE</action>" >> /tmp/update3.xml.tmp
- echo " </button>" >> /tmp/update3.xml.tmp
- fi
- while read line; do
- echo "" >> /tmp/update3.xml.tmp
- echo " <button>" >> /tmp/update3.xml.tmp
- echo " <type>UPGRADE</type>" >> /tmp/update3.xml.tmp
- echo " <text>$line</text>" >> /tmp/update3.xml.tmp
- echo " <action>NONE</action>" >> /tmp/update3.xml.tmp
- echo " </button>" >> /tmp/update3.xml.tmp
- done < "/tmp/to_be_upgraded"
- echo "</mythmenu>" >> /tmp/update3.xml.tmp
- mv /tmp/update3.xml.tmp /usr/share/mythtv/themes/defaultmenu/update3.xml
- dsply
- fi
- }
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/ b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index d6984ed..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-. /etc/osd_cat.cfg || {
- color=yellow
- outline=2
- outlinecolour=black
- shadow=0
- shadowcolour=black
- font="-adobe-helvetica-bold-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
-if [[ "$1" = "install" ]]
- killall -9 osd_cat
- echo -e "Updating..." | osd_cat --pos=middle --align=center --delay=300000 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
- echo -e "Updating..." | osd_cat --pos=middle --align=center --delay=300000 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
- sudo pacman -Suf --noconfirm && sudo killall -9 osd_cat
- killall -9 osd_cat
- echo -e "\nUpdates complete." | osd_cat --pos=middle --align=center --delay=3 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
- echo -e "\nUpdates complete." | osd_cat --pos=middle --align=center --delay=3 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
- if grep kernel26 /tmp/to_be_upgraded || grep nvidia /tmp/to_be_upgraded
- then
- echo -e "\n\nUpdates require a reboot." | osd_cat --pos=middle --align=center --delay=3 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
- echo -e "\n\nUpdates require a reboot." | osd_cat --pos=middle --align=center --delay=3 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
- fi
- killall -9 osd_cat
- echo -e "\nUpdates canceled." | osd_cat --pos=middle --align=center --delay=3 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
- echo -e "\nUpdates canceled." | osd_cat --pos=middle --align=center --delay=3 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
-rm -fr /tmp/to_be_upgraded
-if grep -q Updates\ Available /usr/share/mythtv/themes/defaultmenu/linhes.xml
- mv /usr/share/mythtv/themes/defaultmenu/linhes.xml /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- sed -e '/\#UpdatesAv/,/\#UpdatesAv/d' < /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp > /usr/share/mythtv/themes/defaultmenu/linhes.xml
- mv /usr/share/mythtv/themes/defaultmenu/linhes.xml /tmp
- grep -v -e /mythmenu /tmp/linhes.xml > /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo "<!--#Check for updates-->" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo " <button>" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo " <type>UPGRADE</type>" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo " <text>Update LinHES</text>" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo " <action>MENU update.xml</action>" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo " </button>" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo "<!--#Check for updates-->" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo "" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- echo "</mythmenu>" >> /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp
- mv /tmp/linhes.xml.tmp /usr/share/mythtv/themes/defaultmenu/linhes.xml
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/ b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 72641db..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-. /etc/osd_cat.cfg || {
- color=yellow
- outline=2
- outlinecolour=black
- shadow=0
- shadowcolour=black
- font="-adobe-helvetica-bold-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
-sudo killall osd_cat
-cat /tmp/to_be_upgraded | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sed '/^$/d' | grep - > /tmp/to_be_upgraded2
-COUNT=$(wc -l /tmp/to_be_upgraded2 | awk '{print $1}')
-if [ $COUNT -lt 20 ]
- then
- cat /tmp/to_be_upgraded2 | osd_cat --lines=20 --pos=top --align=center --delay=12 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
- else
- cat /tmp/to_be_upgraded2 | osd_cat --lines=20 --pos=top --align=center --delay=1 --wait --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font &
-if grep kernel26 /tmp/to_be_upgraded2
- killall -9 osd_cat
- echo -e "Please note:\The kernel will be upgraded.\nThis will require a reboot.\nPlease do so when no jobs are running." | osd_cat --pos=middle --align=center --delay=10 --color=$color --outline=$outline --outlinecolour=$outlinecolour --shadow=$shadow --shadowcolour=$shadowcolour --font=$font
- exit
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/myth2mkv b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/myth2mkv
deleted file mode 100644
index aedccff..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/myth2mkv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-# Convert video to AVC-1 / h264
-# version 0.25-004
-# Prerequisites:
-# - mythtv >= 0.25
-# - handbrake-cli
-# - mplayer
-# - mkvtoolnix
-# Arguments
-# $1 must be the directory/file of the recording
-# $2 must be chanid
-# $3 must be starttime
-# $4 must be title
-# $5 must be subtitle
-# $6 must be jobid
-# $7 must be quality of encode
-# As a MythTV user job:
-# myth2mkv "%DIR%/%FILE%" "%CHANID%" "%STARTTIME%" "%TITLE%" "%SUBTITLE%" "%JOBID%" HQ|MQ|LQ
-# #
-# Adjustable variables #
-# #
-# TMPDIR is for large transient files
-# x264 tuning:
-# Tune x264 based on content. Valid options for TUNING are:
-# film, animation, grain, stillimage, psnr, ssim, fastdecode, zerolatency
-# Separate multiple options with a comma. DEFAULT: none
-# Custom cropping. Useful if you have a 4:3 image in a HD frame or if
-# HandBrake's autocrop smarts fail you.
-# Crop 240 pixels off the left and right for 4:3 image in 1920x1080 frame
-# Crop 160 pixels off the left and right for 4:3 image in 1280x720 frame
-# <T:B:L:R>
-# i.e. 0:0:240:240
-# Default: In HQ: CROP="0:0:0:0" (no cropping).
-# IN MQ and LQ: autocrop.
-# Force custom output resolution.
-# Default: Keep same resolution as input file (less any cropping).
-# Force use/non-use of deinterlacing filter. Y|N|G (Yes, No, Guess)
-# Default: G - Guess based on source resolution.
-# If the source video width is 1920, 1440, 852, 704, 640 or 528 pixels
-# "G" will deinterlace the video. Change to "Y" to force use of deinterlacing
-# filter or to "N" to NOT use deinterlace filter no matter the resolution.
-# #
-# End adjustable variables #
-# #
-if [[ -e $HOME/.mythtv/mysql.txt ]] ; then
- . $HOME/.mythtv/mysql.txt
- DBHostName=${DBHostName:-"localhost"}
- DBUserName=${DBUserName:-"mythtv"}
- DBPassword=${DBPassword:-"mythtv"}
- DBName=${DBName:-"mythconverg"}
-if [[ ! -d ${TMPDIR} ]] ; then
- mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}
-if [[ ! -d ${OUTDIR} ]] ; then
- mkdir -p ${OUTDIR}
-# Arg_1 = COMMENT
-if [ ${NO_JOBID} -eq 0 ]; then
- SQL_CMD="update jobqueue set comment=\"${1}\" where id=\"${JOBID}\";"
- `${MYSQLCMD} "${SQL_CMD}"`
-# check handbrake progress in background
-while [ `tail -2 ${STATUSFILE} | grep -c "^HandBrake has exited"` = 0 ]
- sleep 10
- check_myth_jobcmds
- pass=`tail -1 ${STATUSFILE} | egrep -o -e 'task [0-9]' | tail -1 | sed 's/task\ //g'`
- prog_percent=`tail -1 ${STATUSFILE} | egrep -o -e '[0-9]*\.[0-9]. %' | tail -1 | sed 's/\ %//g'`
- current_FPS=`tail -1 ${STATUSFILE} | egrep -o -e 'avg [0-9.]*\.[0-9]* fps' | tail -1 | sed -e 's/avg\ //g' -e 's/\ fps//g'`
- current_ETA=`tail -1 ${STATUSFILE} | egrep -o -e 'ETA [0-9.][0-9.]h[0-9.][0-9.]m[0-9.][0-9.]s' | tail -1`
- if [ -n "$prog_percent" ]; then
- echo "Pass ${pass}, ${prog_percent}% @ ${current_FPS} fps. ${current_ETA}"
- update_comment "Pass ${pass} of 2, ${prog_percent}% @ ${current_FPS} fps. ${current_ETA}"
- fi
- sleep 10
-# check the myth database for stop pause or resume commands
-if [[ ${NO_JOBID} -eq 0 ]] ; then
- CURRENT_CMD=`${MYSQLCMD} "select cmds from jobqueue where id = \"${JOBID}\";"`
- case "${CURRENT_CMD}" in
- 0) ;;
- 1) `${MYSQLCMD} "update jobqueue set status=\"6\" where id=\"${JOBID}\";"`
- kill -s STOP ${handbrake_pid} ;;
- 2) `${MYSQLCMD} "update jobqueue set status=\"4\" where id=\"${JOBID}\";"`
- `${MYSQLCMD} "update jobqueue set cmds=\"0\" where id=\"${JOBID}\";"`
- kill -s CONT ${handbrake_pid} ;;
- 4) `${MYSQLCMD} "update jobqueue set status=\"5\" where id=\"${JOBID}\";"`
- `${MYSQLCMD} "update jobqueue set cmds=\"0\" where id=\"${JOBID}\";"`
- kill -9 ${handbrake_pid} ${command_pid}
- clean_up_files
- echo "Encode Cancelled" >> ${LOGFILE}
- `${MYSQLCMD} "update jobqueue set status=\"320\" where id=\"${JOBID}\";"`
- exit ;;
- esac
-get_info_for_hb() {
-# Collect some info about source file
-/usr/bin/mplayer -nolirc -identify -frames 0 "${HBINPUTFILE}" \
- 2>/dev/null 1>"${IDFILE}"
-VIDEOW=$( grep ID_VIDEO_WIDTH= "${IDFILE}" | awk -F= '{ print $NF }' )
-FPS=$( grep ID_VIDEO_FPS= "${IDFILE}" | awk -F= '{ print $NF }' )
-# HandBrake does not like a framerate of 29.970, so let's drop the 0
-if [[ ${FPS} = "29.970" ]] ; then
- FPS="29.97"
-# HandBrake does not like a framerate of 59.940, so let's drop the 0
-if [[ ${FPS} = "59.940" ]] ; then
- FPS="59.94"
-# A rough guestimation that if the video width is 1920, 1440, 852, 704, 640 or
-# 528 pixels it is probably interlaced.
-if [[ ${DEINT} = Y ]] ; then
- DEINT="-d slow"
- if [[ ${DEINT} = N ]] ; then
- DEINT=""
- else
- if [[ ${VIDEOW} = 1920 || ${VIDEOW} = 1440 || ${VIDEOW} = 852 || \
- ${VIDEOW} = 704 || ${VIDEOW} = 640 || ${VIDEOW} = 528 ]] ; then
- DEINT="-d slow"
- else
- DEINT=""
- fi
- fi
-if [[ -n ${DEINT} ]] ; then
- if [[ ${QUALITY} = LQ ]] ; then
- DEINT="-d fast"
- fi
-if [[ -n ${TUNING} ]] ; then
- TUNING="--x264-tune ${TUNING}"
-if [[ -n ${CROP} ]] ; then
- CROP="--crop ${CROP}"
-if [[ -n ${WIDTH} ]] ; then
- WIDTH="-w ${WIDTH} -X ${WIDTH}"
-if [[ -n ${HEIGHT} ]] ; then
-if [[ ${QUALITY} = HQ ]] ; then
- if [[ -n ${CROP} ]] ; then
- CROP="--crop ${CROP}"
- else
- CROP="--crop 0:0:0:0 --strict-anamorphic"
- fi
- HB_OPTS="-o ${TMPFILE} -f mkv -m -e x264 ${TUNING} -x b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50 -b 5000 -2 -T ${WIDTH} ${HEIGHT} -r ${FPS} --cfr ${CROP} ${DEINT} -a 1 -E copy -s 1"
- if [[ ${CROP} = "--crop 0:0:0:0" ]] ; then
- CROP="${CROP} --strict-anamorphic"
- fi
- if [[ ${QUALITY} = LQ ]] ; then
- HB_OPTS="-o ${TMPFILE} -f mkv -m -e x264 ${TUNING} -b 1250 ${WIDTH} ${HEIGHT} -r ${FPS} --pfr ${CROP} ${DEINT} -a 1 -E lame -B 128 -Q 8 -6 stereo -s 1"
- else
- # Fallback to "MQ"
- HB_OPTS="-o ${TMPFILE} -f mkv -m -e x264 ${TUNING} -b 2500 -2 -T ${WIDTH} ${HEIGHT} -r ${FPS} --pfr ${CROP} ${DEINT} -a 1 -E lame -B 256 -Q 3 -6 stereo -s 1"
- fi
-while [ "${process_name}" != "found" ]; do
- handbrake_pid=`expr ${handbrake_pid} + 1`
- i1=`expr ${i1} + 1`
- if [ "`ps ${handbrake_pid} | grep HandBrakeCLI | sed 's_.*\(HandBrakeCLI\).*_\1_'`" = "HandBrakeCLI" ]; then
- process_name="found"
- fi
- if [ ${i1} -gt 20 ]; then
- break
- fi
-tag_file() {
-# Create a tag file here
-echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>" > "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo "" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo "<!DOCTYPE Tags SYSTEM 'matroskatags.dtd'>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo "" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo "<Tags>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <Tag>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <Name>TITLE</Name>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <String>${TITLE}</String>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <Name>SUBTITLE</Name>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <String>${SUBTITLE}</String>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <Name>SUMMARY</Name>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <String>${DESCR}</String>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " </Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <Name>DATE_RELEASED</Name>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <String>${OAD}</String>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " </Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " </Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " </Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <Name>ENCODER</Name>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <String>HandBrakeCLI ${HBCLIVER}</String>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " </Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <Name>DATE_TAGGED</Name>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " <String>${DATE}</String>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " </Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo " </Tag>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-echo "</Tags>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
-# Add tag info into MKV file
-echo "Adding tag info to ${TITLE} - ${SUBTITLE} ..." >> ${LOGFILE}
-/usr/bin/mkvpropedit -r ${LOGFILE} -t all:"${TAG_FILE}" "${TMPFILE}"
-# clean up left over files
-unlink ${TMPFILE} 2> /dev/null
-unlink ${TMPCUTFILE} 2> /dev/null
-unlink ${TMPCUTFILE}.map 2> /dev/null
-unlink ${STATUSFILE} 2> /dev/null
-unlink ${IDFILE} 2> /dev/null
-unlink ${HB_RETURN_CODE} 2> /dev/null
-unlink ${TAG_FILE} 2> /dev/null
-#-------MAIN SCRIPT------------
-# create temp filename so multiple instances won't conflict
-BASE=`basename ${HBINPUTFILE}`
-HBCLIVER=`pacman -Q | grep handbrake-cli | awk '{ print $NF }' | awk -F"-" '{ print $1 }'`
-MYSQLCMD="mysql -B --skip-column-names -u ${DBUserName} -p${DBPassword} -h ${DBHostName} -D ${DBName} -e"
-OAD=`${MYSQLCMD} "select originalairdate from recorded where basename LIKE '${BASE}';"`
-DESCR=`${MYSQLCMD} "select description from recorded where basename LIKE '${BASE}';" | sed 's/\&/and/g'`
-# check if %JOBID% is passed from command line
-if [ -z ${JOBID} ]; then
-# log file location
-echo "" >> ${LOGFILE}
-echo $CDate >> ${LOGFILE}
-echo "File to encode: ${HBINPUTFILE}" >> ${LOGFILE}
-echo " --> Name: ${TITLE} - ${SUBTITLE}" >> ${LOGFILE}
-echo " --> Temporary Files: ${TMPNAME}.*" >> ${LOGFILE}
-echo "" >> ${LOGFILE}
-if [[ ${ERROR} != 0 ]] ; then
- echo "Error parsing source file information!" >> ${LOGFILE}
- cat ${IDFILE} >> ${LOGFILE}
- clean_up_files
- exit 1
-# start timer
-beforetime="$(date +%s)"
-# If there is a cutlist, use it:
-if [[ -n `mythutil --getcutlist --chanid "${2}" --starttime "${3}" | grep \
- Cutlist: | awk -F": " '{ print $NF }'` ]] ; then
- echo "Applying cutlist for ${TITLE} - ${SUBTITLE} ..." >> ${LOGFILE}
- mythtranscode --chanid "${2}" --starttime "${3}" -m --honorcutlist \
- -q --loglevel info --logpath "${LOGPATH}" -o "${TMPCUTFILE}"
- mythtrans_pid=$!
- ERROR=$?
-if [[ ${ERROR} != 0 ]] ; then
- echo "MythTranscode error!" >> ${LOGFILE}
- echo "Check ${LOGPATH}/${mythtrans_pid}.log for mythtranscode error" >> ${LOGFILE}
- clean_up_files
- exit 1
-# run handbrake in background to do conversion
-echo "Encoding ${TITLE} - ${SUBTITLE} ..." >> ${LOGFILE}
-( /usr/bin/nice -n19 nohup /usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI -i ${HBINPUTFILE} ${HB_OPTS} \
- > ${STATUSFILE} 2>&1 ; echo $? > ${HB_RETURN_CODE} ) &
-if [[ `cat ${HB_RETURN_CODE}` != 0 ]] ; then
- echo "HandBrakeCLI error!" >> ${LOGFILE}
- clean_up_files
- exit 1
-if [[ ${ERROR} != 0 ]] ; then
- echo "Error creating tag file!" >> ${LOGFILE}
- cat ${TAG_FILE} >> ${LOGFILE}
- clean_up_files
- exit 1
-# make output filename unique and do not clobber an existing file
-# Build a final file name
-FILE=$( echo "${TITLE,,} ${OAD} ${SUBTITLE,,}" | tr -d [:punct:] | tr [:blank:] "_" | tr -s "_" )
-while [ -e "${OUTPUTFILE}" ]
- OUTPUTFILE="${OUTDIR}/${FILE}-${i}.mkv"
- i=`expr $i + 1`
-# move temp file to output location
-chown -v "${USER}" "${TMPFILE}" >> ${LOGFILE}
-if [[ ${ERROR} != 0 ]] ; then
- echo "Error moving ${TMPFILE} to ${OUTPUTFILE} !" >> ${LOGFILE}
- clean_up_files
- exit 1
-# stop timer
-aftertime="$(date +%s)"
-seconds="$(expr ${aftertime} - ${beforetime})"
-if [ ${ERROR} -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "File Encoded Successfully: ${OUTPUTFILE}" >> ${LOGFILE}
- hours=$((seconds / 3600))
- seconds=$((seconds % 3600))
- minutes=$((seconds / 60))
- seconds=$((seconds % 60))
- echo "Encoding took ${hours} hour\(s\) ${minutes} minute\(s\) ${seconds} second\(s\) @ ${current_FPS} fps." >> ${LOGFILE}
- `${MYSQLCMD} "update jobqueue set status = \"272\" where id = \"${JOBID}\";"`
- update_comment "Encode Successful. Encoding Time: ${hours} hour\(s\) ${minutes} minute\(s\) ${seconds} second\(s\)"
- echo "ERROR: ${ERROR}" >> ${LOGFILE}
-# Clean up
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/myth2mp3 b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/myth2mp3
deleted file mode 100755
index 69d5d3f..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/myth2mp3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# convert recordings to as mp3 audio only
-# version 1.1.3
-# usage:
-# first parameter must be %DIR%/%FILE% of the recording
-# second parameter must be the desired base name of the output
-# third parameter must be %CHANID% if you set USECUTLIST=Y
-# fourth parameter must be %STARTTIME% if you set USECUTLIST=Y
-# In the mythtv setup screen invoke this script like this:
-# MYTHTV User Job Command:
-# /usr/LH/bin/myth2mp3 "%DIR%/%FILE%" "%TITLE% - %SUBTITLE%" "%CHANID%" "%STARTTIME%"
-# options:
-BITRATE=256k #ie. 128k, 160k, 192k, 224k, 256k
-# where the converted audio is stored
-# create temp filename so multiple instances won't conflict
-TITLE=`echo $2 | sed 's/\//_/g'`
-# log file location
-echo "" >> $LOGFILE
-echo $CDate >> $LOGFILE
-echo "File to encode: $1 Name: $TITLE" >> $LOGFILE
-# start timer
-beforetime="$(date +%s)"
-# check if using cutlist
-if [ $USECUTLIST = Y ];then
- MYTHCOMMFRAMES=`mythutil --getcutlist --chanid "$3" --starttime "$4" | grep 'Cutlist:' | cut -d \ -f 2`
- if [ -n "$MYTHCOMMFRAMES" ]; then
- echo "Extracting Cutlist..." >> $LOGFILE
- /usr/bin/nice -n19 /usr/bin/mythtranscode --chanid "$3" --starttime "$4" --outfile "$TMPCUTFILE" --mpeg2 --honorcutlist
- fi
-# run ffmpeg to do conversion to wav
-echo "Encoding to intermediate wav..." >> $LOGFILE
-/usr/bin/nice -n19 /usr/bin/ffmpeg -i "$FFINPUTFILE" -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 44100 -ac 2 "$TMPFILE.wav"
-# Normalize the intermediate wav
-echo "Normalizing intermediate wav..." >> $LOGFILE
-/usr/bin/nice -n19 /usr/bin/normalize -q "$TMPFILE.wav"
-# Final encode of normalized wav to mp3
-echo "Encoding normalized wav to mp3..." >> $LOGFILE
-/usr/bin/nice -n19 /usr/bin/ffmpeg -i "$FFINPUTFILE" -vn -acodec libmp3lame -ab $BITRATE -ar 44100 -ac 2 "$TMPFILE.mp3"
-# make output filename unique
-while [ -e "$OUTPUTFILE" ]
- i=`expr $i + 1`
-# move temp file to output location
-chown mythtv "$TMPFILE.mp3" && mv "$TMPFILE.mp3" "$OUTPUTFILE"
-# stop timer
-aftertime="$(date +%s)"
-seconds="$(expr $aftertime - $beforetime)"
-if [ $ERROR -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "File Encoded Sucessfully: $OUTPUTFILE" >> $LOGFILE
- hours=$((seconds / 3600))
- seconds=$((seconds % 3600))
- minutes=$((seconds / 60))
- seconds=$((seconds % 60))
- echo "Encoding Time: $hours hour(s) $minutes minute(s) $seconds second(s)" >> $LOGFILE
- echo "ERROR: $ERROR" >> $LOGFILE
-# clean up left over files
-unlink $TMPFILE.mp3 2> /dev/null
-unlink $TMPFILE.wav 2> /dev/null
-unlink $TMPCUTFILE 2> /dev/null
-unlink $ 2> /dev/null
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/ b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5ab24b0..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2
-# This script will configure the myth db to allow MythWelcome to wake and shutdown the system.
-from socket import gethostname
-from MythTV import MythDB
-mythdb = MythDB()
-localhostname = gethostname()
-# mythwelcome --setup
-mythdb.settings[localhostname].MythShutdownNvramCmd = u'sudo sh -c \"/usr/LH/bin/ $time\"'
-mythdb.settings[localhostname].MythShutdownWakeupTimeFmt = u'time_t'
-mythdb.settings[localhostname].MythShutdownNvramRestartCmd = u''
-mythdb.settings[localhostname].MythShutdownReboot = u'sudo /sbin/reboot'
-mythdb.settings[localhostname].MythShutdownPowerOff = u'sudo /sbin/poweroff'
-mythdb.settings[localhostname].MythShutdownXTermCmd = u'xterm'
-mythdb.settings[localhostname].MythWelcomeStartFECmd = u'/usr/LH/bin/mythfrontend-start'
-# mythtv-setup Shutdown/Wakeup options
-if mythdb.settings[localhostname].idleTimeoutSecs == u'0':
- mythdb.settings[localhostname].idleTimeoutSecs = u'40'
-mythdb.settings.NULL.WakeupTimeFormat = u'yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss'
-mythdb.settings.NULL.SetWakeuptimeCommand = u'/usr/bin/mythshutdown --setwakeup $time'
-mythdb.settings.NULL.ServerHaltCommand = u'/usr/bin/mythshutdown --shutdown'
-mythdb.settings.NULL.preSDWUCheckCommand = u'/usr/LH/bin/ -s -m -r'
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/ b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 990adf7..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#$1 is the first argument to the script. It is the time in seconds since 1970
-#This is defined in mythwelcome with the time_t argument
-# Configure mythwelcome --setup page:
-# Command to Set Wakeup Time: sudo sh -c "/usr/LH/bin/ $time"
-# Wakeup Time Format: time_t
-# nvram-wakeup Restart Command: Leave this blank
-# Command to reboot: sudo /sbin/reboot
-# Command to shutdown: sudo /sbin/poweroff
-# Command to run Xterm: xterm
-# Command to start the Frontend: /usr/bin/mythfrontend -l /var/log/mythtv/mythfrontend.log
-# Configure mythtv-setup Shutdown/Wakeup Options page:
-# Idletimeout (secs): any value greater that 0
-# Wakeup time format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss
-# Set wakeup time command: /usr/bin/mythshutdown --setwakeup $time
-# Server Halt command: /usr/bin/mythshutdown --shutdown
-# Pre shutdown check command: /usr/bin/mythshutdown --check
-echo 0 > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm #this clears your alarm
-echo $1 > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm #this writes your alarm
-cat /proc/driver/rtc > /var/log/wake_alarm
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deleted file mode 100755
index 4aadf6d..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-sudo sh -c "echo 0 > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm" #this clears your alarm
-sudo sh -c "echo `date '+%s' -d '+ 4 minutes'` > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm" #this writes your alarm
-cat /proc/driver/rtc
-cat /proc/driver/rtc > /var/log/wake_alarm
-echo "Your computer is set to start up in 4 minutes using ACPI."
-echo -n "Do you want to shutdown the computer now? (y/n): "
-read -n 1 shutdown
-if [ "$shutdown" == "y" ]; then
- echo -e "\nShutting down now..."
- sudo shutdown -t 5 -h now
- echo -e "\nTo shutdown execute the following:"
- echo " sudo shutdown -t 5 -h now"
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deleted file mode 100755
index 99947a8..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
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@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-# /usr/LH/bin/
-# A DVD rip and eject script.
-DEV='/dev/sr0' # DVD device
-MPNT='media/cdrom' # Mount Point
-Ddir='/myth/video' # DVD output dir List
-Bsnd='/usr/share/sounds/init.wav' # Begin sound file
-Esnd='/usr/share/sounds/complete.wav' # End sound file
-DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M) # current date/time
-LOG='/var/log/mythtv/ripD.log' # name of Log file.
-TRACK=$(lsdvd | grep -i longest | awk '{print $3}') #Finds longest track
-OPTS="-f $FONT -s 2 -p bottom -A left -i 50 -l 4"
-[ -r /etc/rip.cfg ] && . /etc/rip.cfg
-[ "$DISPLAY" == "" ] && export DISPLAY=:0
-function osd { # $1=text, $2=color, $3=delay
- cmd="osd_cat $OPTS"
- [ -n "$2" ] && cmd="$cmd --color=$2"
- [ -n "$3" ] && cmd="$cmd -d $3"
- killall osd_cat
- echo -e "$1" | $cmd
-} >& /dev/null
-function osd_loop() {
- FN=$1 ; shift
-# TXT="$MAX to $dir"
- TXT="$MAX to $dir/$FILE"
- N=0
- while [ -f "$LOCK" ]; do
- #osd "\nbacking up DVD: '$@'\n$TXT" gray 60
- osd "\nbacking up DVD: '$TITLE'\n$TXT" gray 60
- N=$(($N+1))
- [ -d "$FN" ] && SIZE=$(du -sh $FN | awk '{print $1}')
-# TXT="$SIZE of $MAX @ $N min. elapsed"
- TXT="$N min. elapsed"
- done
-LinHES-osd "\nDetecting DVD" gray20 5 &
-echo "`date` detected DVD" >> $LOG
-rm -f /tmp/.ripLock.*
-for dir in $Ddir ; do
- if [ -d $dir -a -w $dir ]; then
- break
- fi
-if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then
- echo "no $dir" >> $LOG
- osd "\ndirectory: $dir\nnot found!" red 10 &
- eject ; eject
- exit 0
-if [ ! -w "$dir" ]; then
- echo "$dir not writable" >> $LOG
- osd "\ndirectory: $Cdir\nnot writable!" red 10 &
- eject ; eject
- exit 0
-mount $DEV >& /dev/null
-dev=$(readlink $DEV)
-df=$(df -h /dev/$dev | grep /dev/$dev)
-MAX=$(echo $df | while read d v r ; do echo $v ; done)
-echo " backup $MAX to $dir" >> $LOG
-# first make sure DMA is on:
-sudo hdparm -d1 -u1 $DEV >& /dev/null
-# attempt to get the DVD information:
-TITLE=$(dvdbackup -i /dev/sr0 -I | grep information | awk '{ s = ""; for (i = 8; i <= NF; i++) s = s $i " "; print s }' | tr -d '"' | sed 's/ /_/g' | sed 's/_$//g')
-if [ "$TITLE" == "DVD_VIDEO" -o "$TITLE" == "" \
- -o "$TITLE" == " " -o "$TITLE" == "[ ].*" ]; then
- # if not a good title,
- TITLE="dvdbackup_$DATE"
-echo " $TITLE" >> $LOG
-if [ $1 = m ]
- COMMAND="dvdbackup -M -i $DEV -o $dir -n $TITLE"
- elif [ $1 = h ]
- then
-# COMMAND="mencoder dvd://$TRACK -alang en -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=320:cbr -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq -vf scale -zoom -xy 720 -o $dir/$TITLE.avi"
- COMMAND="HandBrakeCLI -i $DEV -o $dir/$TITLE.mp4 --preset "High\ Profile" --main-feature"
- elif [ $1 = n ]
- then
-# COMMAND="mencoder dvd://$TRACK -alang en -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=160:cbr -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq -vf scale -zoom -xy 512 -o $dir/$TITLE.avi"
- COMMAND="HandBrakeCLI -i $DEV -o $dir/$TITLE.mp4 --preset "Normal" --main-feature"
- elif [ $1 = l ]
- then
-# COMMAND="mencoder dvd://$TRACK -alang en -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=96:cbr -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq -vf scale -zoom -xy 320 -o $dir/$TITLE.avi"
- COMMAND="HandBrakeCLI -i $DEV -o $dir/$TITLE.mp4 --preset "Classic" --main-feature"
- elif [ $1 = i ]
- then
- COMMAND="dd if=$DEV of=$dir/$TITLE.iso bs=2048"
-{ # for the redir below:
- # Begin:
- touch $LOCK
- osd_loop "$dir/$TITLE" "$TITLE" &
- dvdbackup -i $DEV -I
- sleep 1 ; aplay $Bsnd
- # Finish:
- rm -f $LOCK
- osd "\nfinish DVD: '$TITLE'\ninto $dir/$FILE" gray20 5 &
- sleep 1 ; aplay $Esnd
- # Eject the media:
- sudo eject ; sudo eject
-} > $dir/.$TITLE.log 2>&1
-echo " `du -sh $dir/$FILE`" >> $LOG
-echo " `date` finished DVD" >> $LOG
-exit 0
-# End
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4bb9d1a..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-while [ 1=1 ];
- if [ "$(pidof chromium)" -o "$(pidof huludesktop)" -o "$(pidof xbmc.bin)" ]
- then
- xscreensaver-command -deactivate
- fi
- sleep 60
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/ b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 35309dd..0000000
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# xwin_find [-v|-q] [timeout] window_name_regex
-# Look for a window of the windows full name given by a awk regular
-# expression, and print the windows xwindow ID.
-# If a timeout is given (in seconds)continue to look for the windows ID
-# for this amount of time before returning. (EG default a single search)
-# If no such window is found output nothing, just exit
-# -v verbose, print the full matching xwininfo line on stderr
-# -q do not print windows ID on stdout
-# Anthony Thyssen September 2005
-PROGNAME=`type $0 | awk '{print $3}'` # search for executable on path
-PROGDIR=`dirname $PROGNAME` # extract directory of program
-PROGNAME=`basename $PROGNAME` # base name of program
-Usage() {
- echo >&2 "$PROGNAME:" "$@"
- sed >&2 -n '/^###/q; s/^#$/# /; 3s/^#/# Usage:/; 3,$s/^# //p;' \
- exit 10;
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- case "$1" in
- [0-9]*) timeout=`date +%s`
- timeout=`expr $timeout + $1 + 1` || Usage
- ;;
- -q) QUIET=true ;; # don't print the final window ID, just status
- -v) VERBOSE=true ;; # output the full xwininfo line on stderr
- --) shift; break ;; # end of user options
- -*) Usage "Unknown option \"$1\"" ;;
- *) break ;; # end of user options
- esac
- shift # next option
-[ $# -lt 1 ] && Usage "Missing window search regex"
-[ $# -gt 1 ] && Usage "Too many arguments."
-find_win() {
- # nice added to let it give way to starting processes
- if [ "$VERBOSE" ]; then
- line=`nice xwininfo -root -tree | awk '/"'"$1"'":/ {print; exit}'`
- echo >&2 $line # VERBOSE - xwininfo output
- echo "$line" | sed 's/ .*//'
- else
- nice xwininfo -root -tree | awk '/"'"$1"'":/ {print $1; exit}'
- fi
-while :; do
- id=`find_win "$1"`
- if [ "$id" ]; then
- [ -z "$QUIET" ] && echo $id # the window ID found
- exit 0;
- fi
- [ `date +%s` -ge $timeout ] && break
-exit 1 # window was not found